[Abstract]:Based on the current contract law of our country, this paper analyzes and explains the concept and dispute of contract rescission, and combs and discusses the legal consequences of the termination of contract. It also demonstrates that the legal consequences of contract dissolution are not equal to the validity of contract rescission as described by many scholars, and that contract rescission does not naturally result in the legal consequences of complete elimination of contract, in order to terminate the contract and terminate the contract. The institutional reconstruction of contract elimination in the compilation of civil code and the social and economic life make some contributions to the more accurate and efficient use of the system of rescission of contract. The paper mainly focuses on whether the contract rescission can take place before the contract becomes effective, the difference between the contract rescission and other similar concepts, and the significance of the purpose of the contract rescission system. Then it explains the concept of the legal consequences of the termination of the contract, has a broad and narrow understanding, and demonstrates the relationship between the legal consequences of the termination of the contract and the effectiveness of the dissolution of the contract in a broad sense. It also analyzes the current legislative situation and practical problems of the system of rescission of contract in China's current contract law. One of the legal consequences of contract rescission, namely, the effectiveness of contract rescission, mainly revolves around the effectiveness of contract rescission, whether the contract is rescinded retroactively or not, and whether the contract is extinguished or not. In a narrow sense, the legal consequences refer to the other legal consequences arising from the internal and external aspects of the original contractual relationship after the termination of the contract, which are mainly divided into direct and indirect legal consequences. The nature and scope of remedial measures and compensation losses are analyzed, and the basis for the coexistence of compensation losses and liquidated damages is explained. Finally, by analyzing the legal consequences of the dissolution of some specific contracts, this paper explores the general law of the legal consequences of the rescission of the principal and subordinate contracts, the dissolution of the basic contractual relations and the circumstances of the rescission of the contracts involving the tripartite parties. In order to inspire the practice.
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