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发布时间:2019-05-11 09:15
[Abstract]:Mortgage guarantee occupies a very important position in the real right guarantee system of civil law in modern countries. The mortgage is established on the basis of the mortgage contract. As the real right of security, the mortgagee may enjoy the right of priority payment to the specific property in accordance with the law when the debtor of the main contract is unable to perform the debt. In the current legal system of our country, the mortgage contract has been adjusted by many legal norms, not only the contract Law, the guarantee Law and the property Law, but also the Land Management Law. Legal norms such as Urban Real Estate Management Law also stipulate whether specific property can be used as collateral. Because there are many legal norms to adjust the mortgage contract, there are still some differences in the theoretical circle on the validity of the mortgage contract, and there are also many disputes in judicial practice. On the basis of analyzing the basic concept of mortgage contract, this paper analyzes the cognizance of the validity of mortgage contract from the aspects of the main body of the contract, the intention of the parties, the content of the contract and the formal elements of the mortgage contract. This paper further analyzes some matters that should be paid attention to when signing mortgage contract, and hopes that some research will be helpful to the cognizance of the validity of mortgage contract in our country.
【作者单位】: 浙江良济律师事务所;


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