[Abstract]:The matrimonial property system on both sides of the Taiwan Strait occupies a very important position in the laws of the two sides of the strait. The Marriage Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the mainland Marriage Law), which came into force in 1981, in Chapter III, Family Relations, The fourth chapter provides the marital property system in divorce. In 1931, the Civil Law of the Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Taiwan Civil Law), which was amended in 1985, stipulated the property system of husband and wife in Chapter II of part IV of relatives. Due to the fundamental differences between the political and economic systems, there must be many differences in the legal system of husband and wife property. However, since the two sides belong to the same nation and have the same historical and cultural traditions, they have some similarities in some aspects of the matrimonial property system. This paper compares the similarities and differences between the two.
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