[Abstract]:With the evolution of the information age replacing the relatively closed era, the world in the knowledge explosion continues to absorb information from all sides, and has a new interpretation of the original world outlook, outlook on life and values, and with sociology, With the great development of psychology and biology, people have a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of homosexuality. However, due to the differences in regional culture, the understanding and practice of homosexuality in various countries are also different, and in the eyes of most people in the world, the existence of homosexuality is absurd and shameful. So there is a debate about whether homosexuals and heterosexuals generally enjoy the right to freedom, which is a constitutional right granted to citizens. Therefore, the author believes that it is necessary to explore the issue of homosexual freedom in the field of private law. In this paper, in the preface part of the simple explanation of the reasons for the topic and the rationality of homosexuality analysis, the first chapter of the text of the right to freedom of homosexuals protection of legal analysis, The second chapter focuses on the issue of the protection of the right to personal freedom of homosexuality, the third chapter is to analyze the right to freedom of marriage of homosexuals, the fourth chapter expounds the author's views on the mode of protection of the right to freedom of homosexuality. The author holds that homosexuals enjoy the same rights as heterosexuals in the protection of their right to freedom and try to seek the best protection mode.
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