本文关键词: 反垄断法 烟草行业 专卖制度 出处:《贵州大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:To protect competition, to protect market fairness and efficiency, and to sanction and restrict competition is the legislative purpose of anti-monopoly law. In the process of its implementation and development, legislators gradually find it impossible to prohibit all restrictive competition. In some special fields and industries are contrary to the general economic law. Therefore, the universal practice of countries in the world is to apply the exclusion system or exemption system to perfect the anti-monopoly law. The purpose of applying the exception system is to realize the overall social benefits. Yi. The basis of the current tobacco monopoly system in China is to promote the overall welfare of the society by protecting and promoting the national and consumer interests. However, the tobacco industry gradually revealed a variety of defects and deficiencies in the process of monopoly, which led to the social parties questioned whether the existing tobacco monopoly system should continue to exist. The author thinks that the more important point is that the tobacco industry can continuously reform and perfect itself by means of the implementation of the anti-monopoly law. This paper analyzes in detail the exception system applicable to the Anti-monopoly Law and the current tobacco monopoly system. Is related to each other. It is considered that the legislation is the legal monopoly recognition of the tobacco industry, including other special industries. "Anti-monopoly Law" from the introduction to the implementation of the current tobacco monopoly system caused the relevant thinking about the existence and abolition of the current tobacco monopoly system. This paper attempts to explore the relationship between the current tobacco monopoly system and the anti-monopoly law from the perspective of anti-monopoly law, and at the same time puts forward some suggestions for the reform of the current tobacco monopoly system and the tobacco industry in China.
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