本文选题:航空运输 + 人身损害赔偿 ; 参考:《北京交通大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:航空旅客人身损害赔偿是航空运输中的重点之一,是提升旅客满意度和营造航空业良好形象的关键。为了更好地完成这一过程,就必须厘清承运人与旅客在其中的责任,以期更好地完成整个赔偿的过程。在国际上,尤其是承运人所负担的责任通常由华沙体系来规制,我国也制定了《中华人民共和国民用航空法》作为国际国内衔接的法律。但随着社会经济的不断发展以及法律制定时的一些考虑已经不再适应当前社会的要求,对于我国而言需在归责原则和责任限额等问题予以改变。 本文主要包括四个部分。 第一部分,首先对航空旅客运输和人身损害赔偿进行论述,重点明确航空旅客运输合同、连续承运人、旅客等基本定义。随后对本文涉及到的内容之法律渊源进行了列举。 第二部分,以旅客或索赔人索赔的依据和承运人责任承担两个方面入手,着重分析了这一法律关系的基本形态。其中,在责任承担分析中,重点对归责原则、责任承担的期间、复合原因下的责任承担和承运人的抗辩四个方面进行论述。 第三部分,针对航空旅客人身损害赔偿责任问题中争议较大的两个方面进行分析。一是关于承运人责任的性质究竟为违约责任还是侵权责任进行了探讨,总结出了责任竞合的结论;二是关于精神损害赔偿的适用问题,结合实例分析得出了我国法律乐于接受精神损害赔偿适用于这一领域的结论。 第四部分,通过提出关于我国《民用航空法》国际化和规范化的建议,得出本文的主要结论。一方面即时修改法律,使其能够与国际通行公约相对接;另一方面要结合我国特点,在法律中明确提出旅客权利和精神损害赔偿。
[Abstract]:Air passenger personal injury compensation is one of the key points in air transportation, which is the key to enhance passenger satisfaction and build a good image of aviation industry.In order to complete the process better, it is necessary to clarify the liability of the carrier and the passenger in order to complete the whole process of compensation.In the world, especially the carrier's responsibility is usually regulated by Warsaw system. China has also formulated the Civil Aviation Law of the people's Republic of China as the law of international and domestic convergence.However, with the continuous development of social economy and some considerations in the formulation of the law, it is no longer suitable to the requirements of the current society. For our country, the principle of imputation and the limitation of liability should be changed.This paper mainly includes four parts.The first part discusses the air passenger transportation and personal injury compensation, focusing on the definition of air passenger transport contract, continuous carrier, passenger and so on.Then it lists the legal sources of the contents involved in this paper.In the second part, the author analyzes the basic form of the legal relationship from two aspects: the basis of the passenger or the claimant's claim and the carrier's liability.Among them, in the analysis of liability, the emphasis is on the principle of imputation, the period of liability, the liability under the compound reason and the defense of the carrier.The third part analyzes the two controversial aspects of air passenger personal injury liability.First, it discusses whether the nature of carrier liability is liability for breach of contract or tort liability, summarizes the conclusion that liability concurs with each other; the other is about the application of compensation for mental damage.The conclusion that Chinese law is willing to accept moral damages in this field is concluded.In the fourth part, the author puts forward some suggestions on internationalization and standardization of Civil Aviation Law of China, and draws the main conclusion of this paper.On the one hand, the law should be amended immediately so that it can be connected with international conventions; on the other hand, the rights of passengers and compensation for spiritual damage should be clearly put forward in the law in combination with the characteristics of our country.
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