本文选题:社会保险 + 财政预算 ; 参考:《法学研究》2016年01期
[Abstract]:Social insurance and government finance are two different systems. Social insurance pursues actuarial balance, its income comes from the capture of insurant, decide expend level according to expenditure size, and expend standard is protected by law. Besides support system normal operation, guard against systematic risk, finance need not intervene social insurance commonly. However, the social insurance fund should have the right to ask the government to compensate for the system conversion cost that should be borne by the government. Social insurance funds are required by the government to implement social policy costs, the government also has an obligation to repay. Our country finance arranges huge sum of money to subsidize social insurance every year, basically be based on above two kinds of reasons. The social insurance law does not ask for any reason, and if the social insurance fund is underpaid, the government shall be required to subsidize it, thereby enlarging the government's financial responsibility indefinitely; after the budget law has been amended, the social insurance fund will be included in the government budget. The boundary between social insurance and government finance is further blurred. In order to promote the sustainable development of social insurance and clarify and standardize the financial functions of the government, it is necessary to remove the social insurance fund from the government budget, and at the same time clearly define the standards and procedures for the government to subsidize social insurance. Maintain the independence of social insurance in terms of subject qualification, revenue and expenditure standards, property management, and accountability.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学法学院;
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