本文选题:协议控制 + 境外上市 ; 参考:《云南财经大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Protocol control is a strange term for most people, but if you list the companies that have successfully listed in this way, I believe everyone will be familiar with it, Alibaba, Sina, Some famous Chinese enterprises, such as Didi, are developing rapidly in this way. The agreement control mode was adopted by Chinese enterprises at the end of the last century. Because of the strict control of foreign capital entering industry, China adopted the policy of restricting or even prohibiting foreign capital entry for telecommunications, Internet, news and other industries. In this context, the emergence of agreement control makes the relevant enterprises not only meet the listing requirements of foreign capital market, but also avoid the restriction of foreign capital entry of these industries under the law of our country. The agreement control mode, also known as vie mode, simply means that Chinese enterprises can achieve indirect overseas listing of Chinese enterprises by signing a series of related agreements with foreign subsidiaries. The use of this way enables our country's related enterprises to quickly obtain a large number of foreign support. However, as more and more Chinese enterprises choose to use the protocol control mode to realize the purpose of overseas listing, the defects of this mode are exposed constantly, and there are some problems such as economic security hidden danger and so on. In this case, our government began to attach importance to the regulation of agreement control, and issued documents to regulate it. In January 2015, the Ministry of Commerce issued the draft Law on Foreign Investment of the people's Republic of China, which integrates the three laws of the people's Republic of China and aims to unify the management of foreign investment with one law and establish a unified system. Standardize related content. For the first time, agreement controls have been defined in a law, but unfortunately there has been no positive response to whether they are legal or not, but only under regulation. It is under this background that the author is very interested in the protocol control mode. Through the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of agreement control, in fact, agreement control is only a means of financing abroad, and it is the product of a certain social development stage.
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