[Abstract]:Hainan is a big tourism province in China. In recent years, Hainan Province has been developing tourism as a pillar industry, increasing capital investment, increasing tourism reception capacity, expanding and perfecting the scale of tourism industry and infrastructure, etc. In particular, after the country has made major strategic arrangements to promote the construction and development of Hainan's international tourism island, Hainan's tourism industry has ushered in a new opportunity for development, and the number of tourists has also been correspondingly increased, while in terms of total tourism income, The tourism industry has become an important pillar industry in Hainan's industrial structure, and has a remarkable effect on the radiation and driving effect of other industries. However, in the course of the rapid development of the tourism industry, there are also some disharmonious notes, such as various kinds of travel rebates, improper low price solicitation, false advertisements and other unfair competitive behaviors in the market. These actions not only damage the legitimate rights and interests of other tourism operators, but also have a great impact on the sustained and healthy development of the whole tourism market. Although after the promulgation of the Tourism Law of the people's Republic of China, the phenomenon of various unfair competition in the tourism industry has been alleviated, but, as in the case of tourism rebates, old diseases such as false propaganda in tourism still exist. Moreover, there are a series of unfair competition phenomena represented by false propaganda on the Internet. Therefore, Hainan should face these phenomena squarely and regulate the various unfair competition behaviors that appear in the tourism industry. The forms of unfair competition in tourism industry in Hainan Province are as follows: first, the behavior of soliciting customers at an improper low price; second, commercial bribery; third, false advertising; fourth, commercial slander; and fifth, infringing on commercial secrets. This paper briefly analyzes the three reasons for the phenomenon of unfair competition, one is the defects in the legislation of anti-unfair competition in Hainan tourism, the other is the defects in the enforcement of anti-unfair competition in Hainan tourism; Third, Hainan Tourism Association lack of self-discipline. At the same time, it puts forward the solution to eliminate the unfair competition behavior in Hainan tourism industry, mainly including three aspects: first, perfect the legal regulation of the unfair competition behavior of Hainan tourism; The second is to strictly regulate the enforcement of unfair competition in Hainan, and the third is to give full play to the functions of Hainan Tourism Association.
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