[Abstract]:With the gradual increase of anti-monopoly law enforcement, forgiveness system has been more widely used in China, which is reflected in Zhejiang insurance case, Japanese car-enterprise monopoly case and so on. The increasingly rich case material provides an opportunity to reflect on the current system based on Chinese practice. On the one hand, due to the lack of substantive and procedural rules, the effect of the forgiveness system in the current law is limited and the practical application is different; on the other hand, the existing law and its practice have distinct characteristics. In terms of scope of application, the forgiveness system in China can be applied to vertical monopoly agreements such as fixed resale prices, although most countries only apply it to horizontal cartels. Based on the legislation and its implementation in our country, this kind of broad application does not violate the system principle at the present stage, and has the stage rationality. In terms of forgiveness treatment, the current law of our country stipulates that the second applicant who violates the law of price monopoly can reduce the liability by not less than 50%. This gradient liability design, which only sets the lower limit of reduction, will destroy the competition mechanism of the forgiveness system. Derogate from the actual effect.
【作者单位】: 南京大学法学院;
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