发布时间:2018-01-29 21:48
本文关键词: 并购 所有者 经营者 劳动者 关系 出处:《华东政法学院》2002年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:中国加入WTO之初,国内外经济环境迅速变化,企业并购步伐正在加快,跨国公司对中国企业的战略性持股也已成为可能。由于企业并购的复杂性,它所涉及的法律问题也非常多。如何对企业并购的方方面面进行法律规制,是摆在中国法律工作者面前的一个紧迫课题。 并购作为一种特殊的经济、法律现象,每逢发生时,各种利益往往激烈交锋、尖锐对立;作为一切利益的最终主体,“人”的因素往往决定了并购的成败得失。 另一方面,企业并购并非仅仅是物质资源再分配,同时也是人力资源重新配置的过程。人力资源既包括企业经营者即高级管理人员(董事、经理等),也包括其他劳动者。 从公司法、证券法、反垄断法等角度阐述并购问题的论文、著作可谓汗牛充栋,其中不乏经典之作;泛泛地探讨所有者与经营者关系、企业与劳动者关系的论述,也屡见不鲜。并购中必须考虑“人”的因素,但对并购发生时企业及所有者与经营者和其他劳动者的关系以及相关法律规制作出的探讨,还不够充分。本文力图在这 WP=4 方面作出抛砖引玉的尝试。 本文从“契约说”的企业定义入手,在对所有者、经营者和其他劳动者作出必要的界定之后,分两个部分对企业及所有者与经营者和其他劳动者的关系以及相关法律规制作出了探讨:第一部分,阐述并购中所有者与经营者的关系及其法律规制,分析研究所有者与经营者关系的一般原则、并购中的“内部人控制”问题、上市公司独立董事制度及其在并购中的作用、与并购有关的内幕交易和信息披露以及所有者利益保护机制,并对并购中所有者与经营者的关系进行了宏观思考;第二部分,阐述并购中企业与劳动者(包括经营者和其他劳动者)的关系及其法律规制,分析研究并购中劳动关系处理的基本原则及其法律适用、并购中劳动(聘用)合同的解除、并购中与劳动者相关的继承以及并购中劳动关系法律规制的国际借鉴,并对劳动法相关内容的修改和完善提出了一些建议。 笔者认为:所有者与经营者的一般关系,集中体现为公司治理问题;并购发生时,公司治理结构是否良性、所有者对经营者能否进行有效控制,往往成为并购成败的关键;妥善处理并购中所有者与经营者的关系,有赖于具有中国特色的公司治理体系的构筑,对国有企业而言,关键是解决“所有者虚位”问题,创造治理动力。 从劳动关系的角度,企业并购往往导致裁员,完善的劳动法律制度必不可少;劳动法固然应向弱者即劳动者一方适当倾斜,但不可矫枉过正,应在资本意志与劳动者权益之间寻求合理平衡,并对企业并购所涉及的竞业限制、商业秘密保护、被裁减人员的就业安置和社会保障作出明确具体的立法安排。
[Abstract]:At the beginning of China's entry into WTO, the economic environment at home and abroad has changed rapidly, the pace of M & A is speeding up, and the strategic ownership of Chinese enterprises by multinational corporations has become possible, because of the complexity of M & A. It involves a lot of legal problems. How to regulate all aspects of M & A is an urgent issue for Chinese legal workers. M & A is a special phenomenon of economy and law. When it happens, the interests of M & A are often confronted with each other intensely and acutely. As the ultimate subject of all interests, the factor of "person" often determines the success or failure of M & A. On the other hand, M & A is not only the redistribution of material resources, but also the process of reconfiguration of human resources. It also includes other workers. From the angle of company law, securities law, anti-monopoly law and so on, the thesis on M & A issues can be said to be full of books, among which there are many classic works. It is also common to discuss the relationship between owner and operator and between enterprise and laborer in a general way. The factors of "person" must be considered in M & A. However, it is not enough to probe into the relationship between the enterprise, its owner, operator and other laborers and the relevant legal regulations when the merger and acquisition occurs. WP=4 Aspects of the attempt to throw a brick to attract jade. This article starts with the definition of "contract theory", after making the necessary definition to the owner, operator and other laborer. There are two parts to discuss the relationship between the enterprise owner and operator and other workers as well as the related legal regulation. The first part expounds the relationship between owner and operator in M & A and its legal regulation. This paper analyzes and studies the general principles of the relationship between owner and operator, the problem of "insider control" in M & A, the system of independent directors of listed companies and its role in M & A. Insider trading and information disclosure related to M & A, as well as the protection mechanism of owners' interests, and the relationship between owners and managers in M & A are considered macroscopically. The second part describes the relationship between enterprises and workers (including operators and other workers) and its legal regulation, and analyzes the basic principles and legal application of labor relations in M & A. The termination of labor (employment) contract in M & A, the inheritance related to laborer in M & A, and the international reference to the legal regulation of labor relations in M & A, and some suggestions on the modification and perfection of labor law are put forward. The author thinks that the general relationship between the owner and the operator is mainly reflected in the problem of corporate governance; When M & A occurs, whether the corporate governance structure is benign or not, and whether the owner can effectively control the operator is often the key to the success or failure of M & A. The proper handling of the relationship between owner and manager in M & A depends on the construction of corporate governance system with Chinese characteristics. For state-owned enterprises, the key is to solve the problem of "the fictitious position of owner" and to create the power of governance. From the perspective of labor relations, mergers and acquisitions often lead to layoffs, and a perfect labor legal system is essential; Although the labor law should be inclined to the weak, that is, the laborer, it should not be overcorrected, and should seek a reasonable balance between the will of capital and the rights and interests of the laborer, and restrict the competition of enterprise merger and acquisition. Trade secret protection, the employment placement and social security of the reduced personnel to make clear and specific legislative arrangements.
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