本文关键词: 国际投资条约 劳工保护 劳工保护条款 出处:《广西大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:This paper focuses on the core of labor protection clauses in investment treaties. Through the study of the existing investment treaties in China to the labor protection clauses of the contracting practice and the shortcomings, This article is divided into four parts: the first chapter is an overview of labor protection clauses. This part examines international investment treaties and labor. Historical evolution of protection issues. Attempts to clarify concepts related to international labour protection. The distinction is made between the object of adjustment of the labour protection clause and the object of adjustment of the domestic labour law. Chapter 2 is the labour clause in the international investment treaty or investment chapter. First of all, This paper analyzes the difficulties existing in the inclusion of labour protection clauses in investment treaties from three aspects. Secondly, it classifies the existing investment treaty labour protection clauses into models, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of each type. Analysis of specific language expressions of labour protection provisions, The third chapter deals with the arbitration practice of investment disputes involving labor protection. It is classified according to the reasons for foreign investors to initiate international investment arbitration. Enumerate some cases concerning labor protection. Investigate the different attitudes of the arbitration tribunal to the labor protection issues involved in the case. Chapter 4th is the construction of the system for the inclusion of labor protection clauses in china's investment treaties. The conclusion of labour protection clauses in investment treaties, This paper puts forward the negotiation position that our country should take in the labor protection clause under the present situation, and puts forward some suggestions for the form of labor protection clause that our country can accept in the future investment treaty negotiation.
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6 徐焕s,