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发布时间:2018-02-22 03:13

  本文关键词: 工会 劳资关系 工资 集体协商 集体谈判 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening to the outside world in 1978, China has carried out internal reform and opening to the outside world. With the rapid development of domestic economy, the relations of ownership and labor have gradually developed with the reform of the economic system, and the development of the economy has undergone new changes. From the single labor relationship of the planned economy era, China's labor relations have undergone the reform of labor system, such as "reducing staff and increasing efficiency", "reforming enterprises", "replacing identity", and so on. The ownership structure has developed from the single public ownership system before the reform to the present diversified ownership economy, and the labor relations have become diversified. In recent years, Labor Law, Arbitration Law of Labor dispute, Labor contract Law, Social Insurance Law and other laws and regulations in China have gradually improved. In the current development of economic and social relations, labor relations are an important part. The harmonious index of labor relations is an important consideration goal of a region's economic and social stability. At present, China's economy is in an important period of deproductivity adjustment, and labor relations are showing a trend of diversification. Labor relations have shown different trends in different ownership economies. In some regions, the incidence of labor disputes is relatively high, the phenomenon of migrant workers' unpaid wages is more prominent, and unstable events occur from time to time. It is difficult to construct harmonious labor relations. Therefore, how to carry out the collective wage negotiation system in combination with Sanmenxia, and how to promote the construction of harmonious labor relations in Sanmenxia area, It is the focal point of this paper. Firstly, this paper combs and summarizes the current wage collective bargaining methods and the achievements made at this stage in Sanmenxia City. It is found that the main problems in implementing the wage collective negotiation system in Sanmenxia are: the lack of standardization in the construction of the wage collective bargaining system, the lack of the construction of the wage collective bargaining subject, and the insufficient depth of the wage collective negotiation content at the surface. Wage collective negotiation is merely a matter of not discussing practical problems, the results of wage collective negotiation are not in place, the regional and industrial wage collective negotiation is not balanced, the reasons for the problems are analyzed, and some successful experiences and mature models at home and abroad are used for reference. In combination with the economic and social system, it is pointed out that legislation should be adopted to ensure the smooth implementation of wage collective negotiation; to strengthen the leading position of the government to create a good external environment for wage collective negotiation; to give play to the role of the members of the tripartite committee on labor relations; In order to further implement the wage system of collective bargaining, enterprises at the grass-roots level should take collective bargaining and offer action, strengthen legal aid, and strengthen the consciousness of maintaining their own legitimate rights and interests in order to further implement the wage system of collective bargaining.


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