本文选题:企业 切入点:员工社会责任 出处:《湖南农业大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在全球一体化这个大环境下,企业面临的国际竞争态势发生了巨大的变化,各级政府加强了企业员工社会责任领域的工作,生产安全、职工权益维护、消费者权益保护等等已经成为社会关注的热点之一,因此,企业要想得到进一步发展,必须把企业员工社会责任承担起来,只有这样才能真正实施可持续发展战略,促进企业与社会的共同进步、和谐发展。 本文主要采用资料分析法、实践调查法、个案分析法等来研究企业员工社会责任实现机制的有关内容。在我国经济转型的形势下,研究企业员工社会责任实现机制,不仅有利于企业自身的持续健康发展和社会繁荣稳定,更是基于中国构建和谐社会进程的现实,同时也可以更好地促进和提高全球劳动者的生存状况的客观需要,本文的研究有极高的理论价值和现实意义。 本文以企业员工社会责任的理论为依据,以企业员工社会责任为研究对象,这根主线一直贯穿于论文的全过程。通过SA8000的内容与国相关法规的比较,得出了我国企业社会责任相关的具体内容分散在《企业法》、《合同法》、《劳动法》、《社会保障法》等诸多法律法规之中,SA8000的内容是符合我国法律精神的。由于我国不完善的市场经济,我国企业员工社会责任存在着诸多问题。本文的研究案例以该西子联合公司的就业——承担为员工提供就业和完善的薪酬福利体系的责任;安全——承担保护员工合法权益、人身安全和职业健康的责任等方面社会责任承担情况的梳理、归纳和总结。 一个真正好的企业员工社会责任,最终改变的不仅仅是企业家自己的道德良心,保护了员工的合法权益,其能使企业健康发展,加快促进我国现代化建设的步伐。要积极借鉴国内外企业承担员工社会责任行之有效的经验,强化企业员工社会责任观。企业员工社会责任是一个复杂的系统工程,需要企业、政府、司法机关及全社会的内外合力,才能逐步实现预期目标。
[Abstract]:In the context of global integration, the international competition situation faced by enterprises has undergone tremendous changes. Governments at all levels have strengthened their work in the field of employee social responsibility, production safety, and protection of workers' rights and interests. The protection of consumers' rights and interests has become one of the hotspots of the society. Therefore, if enterprises want to get further development, they must assume the social responsibility of their employees. Only in this way can they really implement the strategy of sustainable development. Promote the common progress of enterprises and society, harmonious development. This article mainly uses the data analysis method, the practice investigation method, the case analysis method and so on to study the enterprise employee social responsibility realization mechanism related content. In our country economic transformation situation, studies the enterprise employee social responsibility realization mechanism, It is not only conducive to the sustained and healthy development of the enterprise itself and the prosperity and stability of the society, but also based on the reality of the process of building a harmonious society in China, and at the same time, it can better promote and improve the objective needs of the living conditions of the global laborers. The study of this paper has high theoretical value and practical significance. Based on the theory of corporate employee social responsibility and the research object of enterprise employee social responsibility, this main line has been running through the whole process of the thesis. It is concluded that the specific contents of corporate social responsibility in China are scattered in many laws and regulations, such as Enterprise Law, contract Law, Labor Law, Social Security Law, etc. The contents of SA8000 accord with the legal spirit of our country. There are many problems in the social responsibility of employees in our country. The case study in this paper takes the employment of Xizi United Company as the responsibility to provide employment and perfect salary and welfare system for employees, and safe-undertakes to protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees. Personal safety and occupational health responsibility and other aspects of social responsibility to comb, summarize and summarize. A truly good corporate employee's social responsibility will ultimately change not only the entrepreneur's own moral conscience, but also the legitimate rights and interests of the employee, which will enable the enterprise to develop healthily. To speed up the pace of promoting the modernization of our country, we should actively learn from the effective experience of enterprises at home and abroad in shouldering the social responsibility of employees, and strengthen the concept of social responsibility of employees of enterprises. The social responsibility of employees in enterprises is a complex system engineering, which needs enterprises. The government, the judiciary and the whole society can gradually achieve the desired goal.
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