发布时间:2018-05-05 15:23
本文选题:竞业禁止 + 商业秘密 ; 参考:《东北财经大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 在竞争的市场环境下,企业要想在市场上占有一定的份额,必须具备不为公众所知悉,能为企业带来经济效益的技术信息和经营信息等商业秘密。作为一项保护雇主的商业秘密,平衡雇主与雇员之间要求合法竞争和争取择业自由权的制度安排,竞业禁止制度在对商业秘密保护过程中不可避免的要面对不同社会群体间的利益冲突。从竞业禁止制度的发展史看,其建构过程就是一个利益平衡与协调的过程,其中没有绝对的优势利益,只有相对和变化着的优势利益。建立竞业禁止制度的根本目的,正是要在各种利益不断变化发展的过程中,保持各种社会利益的平衡和总体利益的最大化。 出于保守商业秘密的考虑,已有较多的企事业单位,通过协议或内部规章,对职员作出竞业禁止的规范与约定,即禁止职员在职期间和离职后与本单位进行业务竞争。但是,依我国宪法、劳动法等法律、法规,劳动者享有劳动就业权和择业自由权。这就要求,保护商业秘密的竞业禁止,必须置于合理的限制条件下,在特定需要的情形中,由当事人自愿约定或由法律直接规定,,使之不与职工依法享有的平等就业权和择业自由权相冲突,不违背自由贸易和公平竞争的市场经济法则,并符合诚实信用、自愿平等的原则。 尽管我国在一些法律中规定了保护商业秘密的竞业禁止条款,但与国外先进国家相比尚有不足,实践中有些制度尚需完善。本文分五部分阐述了有关商业秘密保护中的竞业禁止制度的理论和实践问题。 第一部分,竞业禁止制度的一般原理。主要介绍了竞业禁止制度与相关概念的比较,并从竞业禁止分类的角度阐述了法定、约定以及在职期间和离职后的竞业禁止。由于我国现阶段的竞业禁止多体现为职工离职后的竞业禁止,为平衡雇主和雇员之间的利益冲突,竞业禁止协议的效力便更加凸现出其重要性。因此本文从形式要件和实质要件两方面来规制竞业禁止的生效要件。 第二部分,国内外有关竞业禁止的立法概况。首先以美国、德国和日本为例介绍了国外有关竞业禁止的立法概况,以期从中寻找出值得我国竞业禁止制度借鉴的宝贵经验。其次,分析了我国有关商业秘密保护中的竞业禁止的立法现状,为后文中提到的我国竞业禁止的立法缺陷和完善作了必要的铺垫。 第三部分,在商业秘密保护领域建立竞业禁止制度的必要性。以人才流动为商业秘密流失的主要原因这一现象,引出竞业禁止是商业秘密保护的重要手段。并从法的经济学角度探讨了竞业禁止制度保护商业秘密的经济合理性。 第四部分,竞业禁止制度的法益衡量。竞业禁止制度在对商业秘密保护过程中不可避免的要面对不同社会群体间的利益冲突。在各冲突利益均为合法利益的情况下,就涉及到利益冲突的解决,而解决的手段就是“法益衡量”。文章通过对竞业禁止制度的效力和价值取向分析,阐述了竞业禁止制度如何实现保护商业秘密与社会公共利益的平衡。 第五部分,构建合理的竞业禁止法律体系。针对第二部分中提到的我国有关商业秘密保护中的竞业禁止的立法现状,指出了我国目前有关竞业禁止制度的缺陷和不足,并提出了完善我国竞业禁止制度的建议措施。
[Abstract]:In the market environment of competition , enterprises want to share a certain share in the market , and must have business secrets such as technical information and business information which are not known to the public and bring economic benefits to enterprises . As a trade secret of protecting employers , the construction process is a process of balancing and coordinating interests .
In view of the conservative trade secrets , there are many enterprises and institutions , through the agreement or internal regulation , the regulation and agreement of the employees to compete for business . However , according to the laws and regulations such as the constitution and labor law of our country , the workers have the right to labor employment and the right to choose the industry . However , according to the laws , regulations and workers of our country ' s constitution and labor law , the workers have the right to labor employment and the right to choose the industry .
Although China has stipulated in some laws the competition prohibition clause to protect the trade secrets , there are some defects in the practice compared with the advanced countries in foreign countries . In the practice , some systems need to be improved . The article points out the theory and practice of the competition prohibition system in the protection of trade secrets .
The first part , the general principle of the competition prohibition system , mainly introduces the comparison between the competition prohibition system and the relevant concepts , and expounds the legal , the contract and the post - service competition prohibition from the angle of the competition prohibition classification .
In the second part , the domestic and foreign legislation of competition prohibition is introduced . First , the legislation of foreign competition prohibition is introduced in the United States , Germany and Japan , in order to find out the valuable experience which is worthy of reference for our country ' s competitive ban system . Secondly , it analyzes the current legislation status of competition prohibition in the protection of trade secrets in our country , and lays the necessary cushion for the legislative flaw and perfection of Chinese competition prohibition mentioned later .
In the third part , the necessity of establishing a competition prohibition system in the field of trade secret protection is established . The phenomenon that the brain drain is the main cause of the loss of trade secrets is an important means to protect the trade secret .
In the fourth part , the method of the competition prohibition system is measured . The competition prohibition system inevitably faces the conflict of interest among different social groups during the protection of the trade secret . In the case that the interests of each conflict are legitimate interests , the solution to the conflict of interest is the " law benefit measurement " . The article expounds how to realize the balance between the protection business secret and the social public interest by analyzing the effectiveness and the value orientation of the competition prohibition system .
In the fifth part , the reasonable competition law system is constructed . In the light of the present state of the legislation in the second part concerning the prohibition of competition in trade secret protection , the author points out the defects and shortcomings of the current competition prohibition system in our country , and puts forward some suggestions to perfect our country ' s competitive ban system .
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1 翟业虎;竞业禁止法律问题研究[D];黑龙江大学;2013年