本文选题:关系导向型的CEO领导行为 + 雇佣关系氛围 ; 参考:《南京大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The influence mechanism of the senior management team, especially the CEO leadership behavior on the organizational performance has always been the focus in the field of human resource management and organizational behavior. On behalf of the high order theory proposed by Hambrick in 1984, scholars are gradually opening the "black box" of the influence mechanism. Wang Hui and other scholars have summed up the six leading behavior of CEO in China. The basic dimension, and the relationship oriented CEO leadership behavior will affect the employee attitude and then affect the organizational performance. However, the higher order "CEO leadership behavior" affects the lower order "employee attitude", we need to further explore. And, since the promulgation and implementation of the new labor law in 2008, most of our enterprises have been faced with The pressure on the restructuring of employment relations. In this context, how CEO leadership behavior affects organizational performance and how the employment relationship atmosphere plays a role is to be further solved. Based on the high order theory proposed by Hambrick and Mason in 1984 and the social situation theory proposed by Ferris in 1998 as the theoretical basis, this paper proposes a theoretical basis. 6 basic hypotheses are given. First, hypothesis 1 suggests that relationship oriented CEO leadership will directly affect organizational performance and expand Wang Hui's 2006 research. Secondly, 2,3,4 suggests that employee attitude (emotional commitment, job satisfaction) mediate the relationship between relationship oriented CEO leadership behavior and organizational performance; 5 proposed that the employment relationship atmosphere mediates the relationship between the relationship oriented CEO leadership behavior and the organizational performance; hypothesis 6 suggests that the employment relationship atmosphere mediates the relationship between the relationship oriented CEO leadership behavior and the employee attitude. The research on innovation of type and human resource management (71332002) and the help of the National Natural Science Foundation Project "study on the mechanism and Countermeasures of enterprise labor conflict under China's transition economy" (71172063), this study lasted 6 months, and 330 in 8 provinces and cities in Shandong, Shenzhen, Guangdong, Fujian, Anhui, Jiangsu, Tianjin, Hubei and other provinces and cities. 3300 questionnaires were issued, including 330 questionnaires for CEO and human resources, 2640 questionnaires and 315 recycling enterprises, and 305 of the preliminary paired data. First, the questionnaires were dealt with. First, the questionnaires were deleted, and 2 and 2 less. Then, 1 vice general managers, 1 human resources management managers and 8 employees were selected to select effective questionnaires, which could not be deleted by paired questionnaires. Finally, the questionnaires were filled out by employees, and a large number of different questionnaires were deleted. Finally, a total of 294 enterprises were collected and matched. The effective survey data of the industry is that the effective response rate is that the data of 89.1%. in the test of employee attitude is suitable for the aggregation analysis, the data of employee level is aggregated to the organizational level, and the hypothesis is tested with SPSS16.0 and LISREL8.80 statistical software, and all the 6 basic hypotheses are verified. The results of structural equation model analysis find that (1) relationship Guided CEO leadership behavior will directly affect the organizational performance; (2) the employment relationship atmosphere plays a complete intermediary role between the relationship oriented CEO leadership behavior and the employee attitude; (3) the employee attitude plays a complete intermediary role between the employment relationship atmosphere and organizational performance. That is, the relationship between the leadership behavior and the organizational performance exists between the relationship and the organizational performance. The leadership behavior of system oriented CEO affects the atmosphere of employment relations, affects employee attitude, and then affects the linear relationship of organizational performance. This study has a certain theoretical and practical significance. In theoretical sense, this paper extends the model of the impact of CEO leadership behavior on the performance of the group, which was proposed by Wang Hui and other scholars in 2006, and gives an empirical data verification. The relationship oriented CEO leadership will directly affect the organizational performance, as well as the full intermediary role of the employment relationship atmosphere between the relationship oriented CEO leadership behavior and the employee attitude, and further provides a new employment relationship atmosphere perspective on how CEO affects the organization's output. The organization can select or cultivate appropriate leadership and build a harmonious atmosphere of employment relationship based on the empirical findings of this article, thus improving the employee's emotional commitment and job satisfaction, and then to the organizational performance.
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