本文选题:劳动合同 + 契约性 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】: 劳动合同制度是劳动法中的基础性制度。劳动合同立法也是建立科学劳动合同制度的基础。我国劳动合同制度经历了一个从无到有的过程。《劳动合同法》的颁布实施无疑对我国劳动合同制度的建设起到里程碑式的作用。但我国《劳动合同法》的制定经历了一个史无前例的曲折过程。各界均对《劳动合同法》的方方面面展开了激烈的讨论。尽管各方观点不同,但却都基于一个共同的出发点,即保障劳动者生存权。但各方观点对劳动者生存权的理解却不尽相同。正是这种对生存权理解的不同,使得各方对国家干涉劳动关系、介入劳动合同的程度有了分歧。 生存权是基本人权,需要依靠公法手段对其加以保护。但财产权也是宪法权利之一,财产权要求排除公权力对私法关系的干涉。劳动合同在其本质上是一种契约,但鉴于劳动立法的社会法属性,公权力必须介入劳动合同,以保护劳动者的生存权。因此,公权力对劳动合同的介入应当以劳动者生存权为限,由私法自治原则调整劳动者生存权以外的部分。而对劳动者生存权的定义,则不宜过广泛。笔者认为,劳动者生存权应当限于最低劳动报酬、最长工作时间以及社会保障三个方面。 本文从平安保险集团董事长年薪从6000万到零年薪的跳水,讨论对其生存权的保护开始,归纳概括了关于劳动合同契约性的各方观点,进而讨论了劳动合同契约性的根据,即劳动合同由雇佣合同发展而来,而雇佣合同是纯粹的合同,这便是劳动合同契约性的根据。但劳动合同契约性是有限的,这个限度就是对劳动者生存权的保障。本文从作为人权概念的生存权入手开始讨论,对劳动法中的生存权做了界定。并指出劳动者生存权作为公权力介入劳动合同的界限就是劳动者生存权的范围。最后,本文结合美国和日本的相关规定,对我国《劳动合同法》契约性进行了评析,指出了《劳动合同法》契约性的缺失,并提出了自己的建议。
[Abstract]:Labor contract system is the basic system in labor law. Labor contract legislation is also the foundation of establishing scientific labor contract system. The labor contract system of our country has experienced a process from nothing to existence. The promulgation and implementation of the Labor contract Law undoubtedly play a landmark role in the construction of the labor contract system in our country. However, the formulation of Labor contract Law in China has experienced an unprecedented tortuous process. All walks of life to the labor contract law all aspects launched the intense discussion. Although different views, but based on a common starting point, that is, to protect the right to life of workers. However, all views on the right to life of workers are not the same. It is this kind of understanding of the right to existence that makes all parties have different views on the degree of state interference in labor relations and involvement in labor contracts. The right to existence is a basic human right, which needs to be protected by means of public law. But the property right is also one of the constitutional rights. Labor contract is a kind of contract in essence, but in view of the social law attribute of labor legislation, public power must intervene in labor contract in order to protect laborer's right to exist. Therefore, the intervention of public power in labor contract should be limited to the right of existence of the laborer, and the part other than the right of existence of the laborer should be adjusted by the principle of autonomy of private law. And the definition of laborer's right to exist should not be too extensive. The author believes that workers' right to subsistence should be limited to three aspects: minimum remuneration, maximum working time and social security. This paper begins with the diving of the annual salary of the chairman of Ping an Insurance Group from 60 million to zero, discusses the protection of its right to life, summarizes the views of all parties concerned about the contractual nature of labor contract, and then discusses the basis of the contractual nature of labor contract. That is, the labor contract is developed from the employment contract, and the employment contract is a pure contract, which is the basis of the labor contract. But the contract of labor contract is limited, this limit is the guarantee to the laborer's right of existence. This paper begins with the discussion of the right of existence as a concept of human rights, and defines the right of existence in labor law. It also points out that the limit of laborer's right to exist as public power to intervene in labor contract is the scope of laborer's right to exist. Finally, this paper analyzes the contractual nature of the Labor contract Law in China, points out the lack of the contractual nature of the Labor contract Law, and puts forward its own suggestions in the light of the relevant provisions of the United States and Japan.
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