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发布时间:2018-07-20 14:42
[Abstract]:Labor dispute cases occupy a large proportion in ordinary civil litigation and court cases. After the provisions were made in the procedures for the payment of Litigation fees, the judicial environment, the level of economic development, and the people's concept of the rule of law have all undergone tremendous changes in China. The standard of accepting fee in labor dispute cases can not adapt to these changes. Continue to pay special attention to the standard of accepting fee in labor dispute cases, which brings burden to the court trial and affects the diversified settlement of labor dispute. This paper makes a study on the changes of the system of accepting fees in labor dispute cases and the analysis of the current operating situation, the practical difficulties brought about by the current collection standards, and finds that the current collection standards are too simple and too low. Thus to the reasonable labor dispute case accepts the fee collection standard to put forward own opinion. In addition to the preface and conclusion, this paper is divided into three parts: chapter one: this part tries to analyze how to stipulate the fee for accepting labor dispute cases in each period, and thinks that the fee for accepting labor dispute cases has experienced two stages. Namely unifying stage and independent stage. The application of the same procedural law and standard of collection in labor disputes and ordinary civil proceedings in the previous stage is a preliminary attempt to construct a system of charging in China. In the latter stage, the labor dispute realizes the type charge, and gradually realizes the standardization of the charge system. Chapter two: this part mainly analyzes the realistic predicament under the standard of accepting labor dispute fee under the present procedure of payment of lawsuit fee. Labor dispute cases show a tendency of irrational litigation different from ordinary civil disputes cases. Under the stimulation of the fee standard, the problem of trial funds is aggravated, the malicious litigation cases increase sharply, and the contradiction between more cases and fewer cases intensifies. Chapter three: this part intends to adjust the standard of accepting fees in labor dispute cases. Firstly, it analyzes the factors and principles to be followed from the macro level, and then sets the standard of accepting fees in labor disputes cases from the main body. Charge method, collect standard to remedy way to carry on specific design.


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