[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up three decades ago, our country is in the economic transition period, the social contradictions are prominent, especially the enterprises ignore the rights and interests of the employees, simply from the commercial interests, it is easy to cause labor disputes. Our country labor dispute case is increasing year by year with the higher growth rate. If the labor dispute is not handled well, it may turn into a social conflict, which will affect the stability, harmony and stability of social life. Building a harmonious society, especially in the current economic crisis, employment difficulties, social instability factors increase, at this time, the government should actively guide small and medium-sized enterprises to bear the social responsibility of labor relations, increase employment, It plays an important role in maintaining social stability. Therefore, it is of practical significance to establish the evaluation index system of corporate social responsibility at the level of labor relations and to distinguish and guide enterprises of different sizes. This paper takes the social responsibility of different scale enterprises in China as the research object, according to the standards of corporate social responsibility (such as SA8000HM3000 and international labor conventions) and the current laws and regulations of our country (such as labor law, etc.), Establishing an evaluation index system of corporate social responsibility at the level of labor relations suitable for China's national conditions, such as labor contract law, protection of women and children, protection of minors, etc. According to the previous research and the interview with human resource experts, a set of CSR questionnaire on the level of labor relations is designed in accordance with the situation of our country. By using the method of personality advantage characteristic analysis and computer software, the results of each index of large, medium and small enterprises in the index system and the result of democratic evaluation are obtained. According to the results of the data, the reasons for the lack of social responsibility in the level of labor relations of small and medium enterprises are analyzed. According to the existing problems of large and medium-sized enterprises, the causes and countermeasures are analyzed respectively. It is expected that the social responsibility performance of different scale enterprises in China can be improved gradually and effectively, in order to reduce labor disputes. Promote social harmony and our enterprises step into the international market contribution to a force.
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