[Abstract]:The aging of the population has become an international trend. As a response, delaying the retirement age and promoting the employment of senior citizens is a common practice in many countries. The essence of delayed retirement is to raise the minimum age for pensions. For older workers, delays in retirement are likely to put them out of work until they are able to receive a pension because of lack of competitiveness in employment. Therefore, the implementation of delayed retirement plan depends on the implementation of a series of supporting measures. Among them, strengthening the legal protection for the senior citizens, opposing employment discrimination and promoting the employment of senior citizens (1) are the basic problems that must be solved in the implementation of the deferred retirement scheme. In order to increase the labor participation rate of the elderly workers, we must improve their labor skills, develop jobs suitable for them, set up specialized employment services and guidance institutions, and provide them with employment consultation and guidance services. Enterprises that recruit a certain proportion of senior citizens are given tax concessions and employers who discriminate against senior citizens are punished. In addition, labor laws should provide adequate protection for older workers. Therefore, it is necessary to amend the relevant provisions of the Labor Law and the Employment Promotion Law, so as to formulate the Employment Promotion Law for Senior Citizens when the time is ripe.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学法学院;武汉大学劳动与社会保障法研究中心;
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