[Abstract]:Authorized legislation is a kind of legislation which is used in the process of creating laws, regulations and rules in our country. According to China's legislative system, the Constitution and laws are formulated by the National people's Congress and its standing Committee; administrative regulations are formulated by the State Council; and provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and provinces, The people's congresses and their standing committees of the municipalities where the people's governments of the autonomous regions are located and the larger cities approved by the State Council may formulate local regulations without conflict with the Constitution, laws and administrative regulations; the Ministry of the State Council, The commission may formulate regulations without conflict with the constitution, laws and administrative regulations; provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and provinces, The people's government of the municipality where the people's government of the autonomous region is located and the people's government of the larger city approved by the State Council may formulate local regulations without conflict with the constitution, laws, administrative regulations and local regulations. But in legislative practice, in order to meet the needs of emergency situations or to solve specific problems, the organ with legislative power often grants the legislation within its own legislative competence to the relevant organs or organizations at the same level or at a lower level. For example, on 10 April 1985, the third session of the sixth National people's Congress adopted the provisions or regulations of the National people's Congress authorizing the State Council to formulate interim provisions or regulations on economic restructuring and opening up to the outside world.
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