本文关键词: 或有期间 民法典 诉讼时效 除斥期间 出处:《北方法学》2017年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:An inevitable logical starting point for the study of a period of time is to prove that it is true or false. From the source of the system, there is an essential difference between the period of limitation and the period of exclusion. It is a period system of independent existence. However, the existence or existence of a period is not necessarily necessary, but it also needs to be demonstrated that the existence of a period is reasonable and necessary. Or the period should be a system of unique existential value, That is, by restricting a party in a position of comparative advantage to acquire or exercise a particular right, to end the uncertainty of the right, In order to properly balance the relationship between the rights and obligations of the two parties, the construction of the contingent system should follow the guidance of the inherent value of the contingent period, focus on the basic orientation of "strictness", and at the same time respect the autonomy of the parties. In order to arrange the specific contents of the basic system of the contingent period, the basic provisions of the contingent system should be stipulated in the chapter of the period system of the future civil code of our country in parallel with the limitation of action and the period of exclusion.
【作者单位】: 中南大学法学院;
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