本文选题:精神损害赔偿 切入点:适用范围 出处:《大连理工大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 精神损害赔偿是法学界关注的一个热点问题。它是维护公民、法人或非法人组织精神权益的救济手段,在现实中发挥了重要的作用。我国的精神损害赔偿制度立法较晚,法律规定不全面,,在司法实践中遇到许多问题,亟待解决。本文着重从精神损害赔偿的适用范围角度进行初探,并对我国的相关立法提出完善建议。 本文在结构上除引言和结论外,共分四章: 第一章,精神损害赔偿及其适用范围的基本理论。通过对精神损害的不同学说进行比较,对精神损害的概念进行分析和界定,在此基础上得出精神损害赔偿的概念。同时论述精神损害赔偿适用范围确立与演进的根据。 第二章,国外精神损害赔偿适用范围的立法实践。从比较法上,对大陆法系的法国、德国、瑞士、日本以及英美法系的英国、美国等国的精神损害赔偿适用范围进行列举和分析。 第三章,我国精神损害赔偿适用范围的立法现状。对我国精神损害赔偿范围的主要法律规定、司法解释进行分析得出我国精神损害赔偿的适用范围。从而提出我国精神损害赔偿范围的现行制度存在缺陷,分别从立法技术上缺乏弹性和适用范围过于狭窄两方面来论述。 第四章,完善我国精神损害赔偿适用范围的构想。根据对我国的精神损害赔偿范围的分析,提出完善我国精神损害赔偿适用范围的建议。一方面从立法模式上进行分析,对限定主义和非限定主义进行了评价,建议未来的民法典采纳限定主义和非限定主义相配合的立法模式,做到概括性与具体性相结合。另一方面扩大精神损害赔偿的适用范围,主要体现在几个方面:法人的人身权受到侵害的精神损害赔偿的可行性;刑事犯罪和国家侵权都会造成被害人的严重的精神损害,应当从立法上建立起有效的法律救济机制;从比较法分析入手,论述我国确立违约精神损害赔偿制度的必要性,进而提出制度构建设想。
[Abstract]:Mental damage compensation is a hot issue in the field of law. It is a relief means to protect the spiritual rights and interests of citizens, legal persons or unincorporated organizations, which plays an important role in reality. The legal provisions are not comprehensive and many problems are encountered in the judicial practice. This paper focuses on the scope of application of mental damage compensation and puts forward some suggestions for the improvement of the relevant legislation in our country. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into four chapters:. The first chapter, the basic theory of compensation for mental damage and its scope of application. Through the comparison of different theories of mental damage, the concept of mental damage is analyzed and defined. On this basis, the concept of compensation for mental damage is obtained, and the basis for the establishment and evolution of the scope of application of compensation for spiritual damage is discussed. The second chapter, the legislative practice of the scope of application of foreign mental damage compensation. From the comparative law, France, Germany, Switzerland, Japan and the United Kingdom of Anglo-American law system of the civil law system, The scope of application of moral damage compensation in the United States and other countries is enumerated and analyzed. Chapter three, the current legislative situation of the scope of application of compensation for mental damage in China, the main legal provisions on the scope of compensation for mental damage in China, This paper analyzes the scope of application of the compensation for mental damage in our country, and points out that the current system of the scope of compensation for mental damage in our country has some defects, which are discussed from two aspects: lack of flexibility in legislative technology and too narrow scope of application. The fourth chapter, the concept of perfecting the scope of application of mental damage compensation in China. Based on the analysis of the scope of compensation for mental damage in China, the author puts forward some suggestions to improve the scope of application of compensation for mental damage in China. On the one hand, it analyzes the scope of application of compensation for mental damage from the legislative model. In this paper, the author evaluates the limitation doctrine and the non-limitation doctrine, and suggests that the future civil code should adopt the legislative model of the combination of the limitation doctrine and the non-limitation doctrine, so as to combine generality and concreteness, and on the other hand, expand the scope of application of the compensation for mental damage. It is mainly reflected in several aspects: the feasibility of compensation for mental damage caused by the infringement of the personal rights of legal persons, the serious mental damage caused by both criminal crimes and national torts, and the establishment of effective legal remedy mechanism in legislation; This paper discusses the necessity of establishing the system of compensation for spiritual damage of breach of contract in China, and puts forward a tentative plan for the construction of the system.
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