本文选题:房屋承租人 + 优先购买权 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The preemptive right of housing lessee is a kind of preemptive contracting right which is intended to protect the tenant's residence status.From the birth of this right to today, the measures and ways to protect the lessee's preemptive right are not fixed in the field of legislation and judicature.The birth of lessee's preemptive right has its specific historical background.With the change of social demand and market situation, the strength and scope of protection of lessee's preemptive right is changing, which is embodied in the change of judicial interpretation and the change of standard of judicial practice.Although the fundamental purpose of the changes in judicial interpretation and judicial practice is to solve a series of problems arising from the lessee's preemptive right in the new social environment, but because of the earth-shaking changes in the social objective background,There are still many important problems in the protection of lessee's preemptive right.This paper analyzes the problems in the protection of the lessee's preemptive right and concludes that the lessee's preemptive right will be abolished in the foreseeable future.This article is divided into the following five parts: the first part is the introduction.This part mainly introduces the background and significance of this topic, as well as the innovative points in the content and legal analysis methods, as well as the shortcomings discussed in this paper.The second part is the foreign legislative provisions and legislative ideas.In this paragraph, it refutes the idea of universal preemption of lessee in every country.Then this paragraph will discuss the influence of foreign legislative ideas on the establishment of preemptive right of lessee in China.The third part mainly expounds the background change of lessee's preemptive right.First of all, this paper introduces the specific background of the right.Then, this paper expounds the change of social demand and the influence of these changes on lessee's preemptive right.The fourth part is the judicial protection of the lessee's preemptive right.This paragraph is also the focus of this article.This paragraph mainly discusses the protection of lessee's preemptive right from the angle of judicial interpretation and judicial practice.Firstly, this paragraph discusses the protection of lessee's preemptive right from the angle of judicial interpretation issued by Supreme Law.Among them, the main trend of the development of judicial interpretation is the weakening of the preemptive right of lessee.Then, in 2009, after the introduction of housing leasing judicial interpretation, the court how to protect the lessee's preemptive right.The fifth part mainly enumerates and evaluates a series of problems in the protection of lessee's preemptive right.In the part of problem summary, this paper mainly lists four important problems.In the final part of the overall evaluation, this paper makes a general evaluation of the lessee's preemptive right system according to a series of problems listed above and the weakening trend of this right.In the following conclusion, this paper gives some suggestions from different angles.
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