本文选题:尚未完全生效的法律行为 + 相对特定第三人无效的法律行为 ; 参考:《比较法研究》2016年02期
[Abstract]:According to the widely shared consensus, the legal behavior system will become an important part of the general principles of civil law. However, there are still great differences of opinion between the theoretical and practical circles on how to design the legal action effectiveness system in the general principles of civil law. The legal act validity system expresses a country or a region's basic view on the core value judgment of freedom and its restriction, and also involves a lot of legislative technical problems related to the quality of civil legislation, and its importance is self-evident. On the basis of the current civil legislation, the general principles of civil law in our country should enrich the types of legal acts' validity, no longer stipulate the general effective requirements of legal acts, and no longer regard the unauthorized disposition contract as a contract whose validity is to be determined. In order to perfect the validity system of legal acts, we should integrate the rules that determine the absolute invalidity of legal acts.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学民商事法律科学研究中心;中国人民大学法学院;
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