本文选题:网络服务提供者 + 免费服务 ; 参考:《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》2017年06期
[Abstract]:The Internet is reshaping our social way of life, and users must agree to all the terms of web service agreements made by web service providers when using "free" services such as email, search engines, instant messaging and social platforms. The network free service agreement is a new type of contract. The network service provider provides "free" network application service, through which users automatically authorize their personal information and other data to the other party. The network free service agreement is not equal to the free contract because it brings value-added services such as advertisement to the network service provider with its user stickiness. The "gratuitous nature" of the service provided by the network service provider cannot deny the right of the user as an ordinary consumer, nor can the agreement be taken as an umbrella for the network service provider to evade the legal liability assumption and other "exemption clauses". Because of the asymmetry between users and network service providers in terms of technical resources, platform resources and information resources, the contractual terms of network services should avoid the imbalance of rights and meanings, and give the network service providers the rights at the same time. They should also be subject to corresponding obligations to the user, including obligations under private law, such as the obligation to explain, inform and assist, the duty of care and the obligation to safeguard security. It also includes the regulatory obligations of the platform as a commercial public infrastructure.
【作者单位】: 华东政法大学法律学院;运城学院政法系;
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