[Abstract]:On March 1, 2015, the Provisional regulations on Real Estate Registration came into force. The development of the legal system of unified registration of real estate is beneficial to the consolidation of the property right foundation of the socialist market economy, the protection of the security of real estate transactions and the better protection of the legitimate property rights of the obligee, which is the embodiment of deepening reform and building a country ruled by law in our country. It should be seen that, as far as the connotation of the unified registration of real estate is concerned, the unified registration of rural real estate is the natural part of the unified registration of real estate. Since the unified registration of real estate has the functions of publicizing public trust, safeguarding the legitimate rights of the obligee and the security of transactions, it is beneficial to the development of the rural market economy to promote the unified registration of real estate in rural areas. It is of great significance to realize the rule of law at the rural grassroots level. At present, the system and personnel become the two main reasons which hinder the further promotion of the unified registration of rural real estate, and are also not conducive to the rule of law in rural grass-roots governance. Affected by this, the unified registration of real estate in rural areas is facing difficulties of system and personnel. Through the implementation of the existing real estate registration legal system and the timely introduction of a special real estate registration law, the integration of the functions of the registration institutions and the establishment of an exchange learning system, as well as the strengthening of the building of the registration work force, In order to perfect the "system" of registration and standardize the "action" of personnel, the unified registration of real estate can promote the expansion of rural economy ruled by law, and then realize the rule of law in rural grass-roots governance.
【作者单位】: 赣南师范大学政治与法律学院;
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