[Abstract]:The rules for the protection of the portrait of the deceased in China were first established through the decisions of the people's courts in such cases, and were later partially absorbed by judicial interpretations, forming a clear recognition to protect the portrait rights of the deceased. At the same time to protect the near relatives of the deceased, the common practice of caring for the interests of the deceased. In recent years, the value of property in the portrait of the deceased is gradually protected by relevant legislation and judicial practice. In comparative law, the theory and judicial practice of portrait protection of the deceased are also developing rapidly, and some beneficial practices have been formed. On the basis of inheriting the judicial practice experience of China, our country should draw lessons from the good experience and practice in comparative law, adhere to the method of direct protection, adhere to the monistic mode of protection, and stipulate the system of partial right capacity. The specific time limit for the protection of the portrait of the deceased, the subject of the claim for the protection of the portrait of the deceased and the rules for the protection of the property of the portrait of the deceased are stipulated.
【作者单位】: 黑龙江大学法学院;
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