[Abstract]:In recent years, the contradiction between doctors and patients in various medical injury cases has been reported by the news media, which is more and more concerned by the society. In medical injury cases, most of them are due to medical disputes and litigation cases caused by the damage caused by medical products to patients, and the proportion of these cases is very large. Article 59 of the Tort liability Law states: "where damage is caused by defects in drugs, disinfectants, medical devices, or the importation of unqualified blood, the patient may seek compensation from the producer or blood provider," You can also claim compensation from a medical institution. If a patient claims compensation from a medical institution, the medical institution shall have the right to recover compensation from the responsible producer or blood provider. " From the provisions of the law we infer that the four categories of medical products mentioned in the law apply the principle of liability without fault. However, the damage caused by medical products is a special tort, which can be applied to both medical fault liability and medical product liability. How should the tort liability of medical institutions and the responsibility of producers and sellers of defective medical products be borne? The above question will be the center of this paper.
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