[Abstract]:The emergence and development of network communication technology require the copyright system to respond promptly in order to crack down and prevent copyright infringement under the network environment, protect copyright, maintain normal network communication order, and promote the healthy development of network industry. From the revision of the code, the formulation of administrative laws and regulations to the introduction of the related judicial (sexual) interpretation, the legal protection of network copyright has been timely improved by the "legislative reform and repeal" of each law. Further improving the protection of network copyright is an important part of the third revision of the copyright Law. From the first to third drafts of the draft and the draft submitted for review, there are mainly four aspects: first, the definition of the work is to replace the expression of "intellectual achievement" with "intellectual expression", so that the network works as the object of network copyright protection can obtain legal confirmation. However, "Audio-visual works" cannot cover multimedia works such as web pages, so we should create "multimedia works" with a clear division of ownership; second, we should adjust the right to disseminate information on the network, and revise the right of broadcasting to the right of broadcasting, so that the content of the right is superimposed, and there is a suspicion of duplicating legislation. We should cancel the "broadcasting right" and adjust the right of information network communication to "the right to communicate to the public" in order to meet the practical needs of international treaties, domestic laws and the integration of the three networks, so as to make it more scientific and operational. The third is to introduce the "three-step test method" to judge the rational use of copyright in the network environment, to expand the scope of use of the legal license in the network environment, to balance the interests of the parties involved in the copyright of the network space, and to perfect the restriction system of the copyright on the network. Fourth, we should increase the tort liability of network service providers, but we should avoid the conflict with the "safe haven principle", prevent the principle from being abused, introduce the punitive damages system, but should also refine the minimum amount of legal compensation, etc. Strengthen the protection of network copyright.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学法学院;成都医学院人文信息管理学院;
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