[Abstract]:In our country, the provisions of judicial interpretation on the inadmissibility of legal person's claim for compensation for moral damage have not answered the question of whether the legal person has the right to claim for compensation for moral damage. Because of the existence of the social facts of the mechanism of transferring and distributing the non-property profit and loss to the natural person through the organization, the legal person, as the adjustment tool of the social fact, can also be recognized as having the right to file a claim for moral damages. The mental damage of legal person can be proved in litigation. Compensation for moral damage of legal person is complementary to other remedies when the personality right of legal person is infringed. Social policy exerts influence on the exercise of legal person's right to claim compensation for moral damage from the angle of public safety. The normative basis of the legal person's right to claim for moral damages is not suitable to be stipulated by one-off legislation or abstract judicial interpretation, but should be gradually presented in the relatively simple legislative platform by way of precedent and other ways.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学民商法学院;
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