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发布时间:2018-09-11 13:30
【摘要】: 任何国家授予的专利权都难免会出现受保护的技术方案不具备新颖性或者创造性等原本不应授予专利权的情况。因此,凡是建立专利制度的国家都必须提供一种机制,以便在发现被授予的专利权不符合专利法有关规定时,可宣告该专利权无效,以维护公众的合法权益不受侵害。然而,以何种方式、在何种程序中宣告专利权无效,却存在不同模式。在职权分开模式下,专利侵权纠纷的受理机关不能审查专利权的有效性,要求所有实施现有技术的被控侵权人提起专利无效程序又不符合诉讼经济和公平原则,于是产生了一种新的抗辩形式——现有技术抗辩,被控侵权人只要能够证明所实施的技术属于现有技术,专利侵权指控就不能成立。本文探讨了现有技术抗辩相关的理论问题,希望能对专利侵权诉讼的法律实务有所帮助。 本文分为现有技术抗辩的基本理论、现有技术抗辩制度在我国司法实践中的运用、现有技术抗辩可援引的现有技术范围、现有技术抗辩的适用规则探讨四个部分。 现有技术抗辩制度的基本理论部分阐述了现有技术抗辩的概念、性质、由来、深入分析了其法理基础及其在防止专利权滥用方面的重要价值; 现有技术抗辩制度在我国司法实践中的运用部分结合司法判例总结了现有技术抗辩制度在我国的萌生、适用的历程,并指出其在适用过程中存在的问题; 现有技术抗辩可援引的现有技术范围部分依据现行《专利法》的规定,剖析了现有技术的概念,明确了在现有技术抗辩中可援引的现有技术包括非自由现有技术,但不包括抵触申请; 现有技术抗辩的适用规则探讨部分在详细分析以往理论和实践的基础上,试图从具体操作上构建一个合理的现有技术抗辩制度,以便最大程度地发挥现有技术抗辩制度优越性,同时又尽可能地保证现有技术抗辩制度与专利无效制度的结果一致。 文章结论部分指出,在专利侵权诉讼中运用现有技术抗辩时,应当首先只将被控侵权技术与现有技术进行比对;作为抗辩的现有技术应当是一项单独的技术方案,但是所属领域的普通技术人员认为相对于现有技术是显而易见的简单组合的技术方案也可作为现有技术抗辩的基础;在将被控侵权技术与现有技术进行对比时,应当就技术方案进行整体对比,看被控侵权技术与现有技术相比是否无新颖性和明显无创造性。
[Abstract]:The patent granted by any country will inevitably lead to the situation that the protected technical scheme is not original or creative and should not be granted a patent. Therefore, any country that establishes a patent system must provide a mechanism for declaring the patent right null and void when it is found that the granted patent does not conform to the relevant provisions of the patent law, so as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the public from infringement. However, there are different modes of how and in what procedures patent rights are invalidated. Under the mode of separation of functions and powers, the administrative organs that accept patent infringement disputes cannot examine the validity of patent rights, and require all alleged infringers of existing technology to file invalid patent procedures which are inconsistent with the principles of litigation economy and fairness. As a result, a new form of defense, the existing technology defense, has emerged. If the alleged infringer can prove that the technology implemented belongs to the existing technology, the patent infringement charge cannot be established. This paper discusses the theoretical problems related to the existing technical defences and hopes to be helpful to the legal practice of patent infringement litigation. This article is divided into four parts: the basic theory of the existing technology defense, the application of the existing technology defense system in the judicial practice of our country, the scope of the existing technology defense that can be quoted, and the applicable rules of the existing technology defense. The basic theory of the existing technology defense system expounds the concept, nature and origin of the existing technology defense. This paper deeply analyzes its legal basis and its important value in preventing the abuse of patent right. The application of the existing technology defense system in the judicial practice of our country is summarized in combination with the judicial precedents. The emergence of the defense system in China, The course of application and the problems existing in the process of application are pointed out, and the concept of existing technology is analyzed in accordance with the provisions of the current Patent Law in part of the scope of existing technology that can be invoked in the defense of existing technology. Having identified existing technologies that may be invoked in the defences of existing technologies, including non-free existing technologies, But does not include the conflict application; the discussion part of the applicable rules of the existing technology defense on the basis of detailed analysis of the previous theory and practice, trying to build a reasonable existing technology defense system from the concrete operation, In order to maximize the superiority of the existing technology defense system, at the same time as possible to ensure that the existing technology defense system and patent invalidation system results are consistent. The conclusion of the article points out that when the existing technology defense is applied in patent infringement litigation, it should be compared only with the existing technology, and the existing technology as a defense should be a separate technical scheme. But a simple combination of technical solutions that ordinary technicians in their field consider to be obvious relative to existing technology can also serve as a basis for defending existing technologies; when comparing the alleged infringing technology with existing technology, The technical scheme should be compared as a whole to see if the technology of alleged infringement has no novelty and obvious lack of creativity compared with the existing technology.


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