[Abstract]:Although civil law is private law, the intervention of public power in its legal system is quite common. All countries realize the connection between public law and private law by referring clause in civil law, and make public power into the orbit of private right. The principle of will autonomy can best reflect the respect for the position and will of the civil subject, the right not to be abused, the establishment and use of the principles of public order, good customs, good faith and good faith all lie in the interference of private rights in the interests of others and the public interest of society. With the strengthening of the trend of private law, the compulsory and prohibited norms in the civil legal system of our country flood in, and the enthusiasm of civil legislation and judicature leads to the arrival of the era of generalization of rights, which results in the erosion of the space beyond the law. In order to maintain the basic idea of civil law, autonomy of will, the principle of modesty should be introduced and emphasized. From the perspective of rights, the modest nature of civil law requires that civil legislation and judicature, when introducing public power into the field of private rights, should rationally control its strength and limitation, take private rights as its body and use public rights, and in the process of creating and confirming rights, We should be careful to avoid the confusion of legal rights and moral rights and customary rights. Therefore, modesty is not the patent of criminal law, and there is also room for application of the principle of modesty in the field of civil law.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院研究生院法学系;
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