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发布时间:2018-10-11 08:00
[Abstract]:Survival or development has always been the central issue around the development of human society, especially the risk society with the background of rapid economic development and rapid development of industrialization and modernization. The development at the expense of the environment leads to the worsening of environmental problems and the increasing phenomenon of large-scale environmental infringement. How to effectively curb the deterioration of environmental problems, reduce the incidence of environmental infringement, and solve the problem of relief caused by large-scale environmental problems has become a hot spot. In view of the large number of victims, the serious consequences of the damage and the wide range of influence, the large-scale environmental tort is not only a violation of civil rights, but also a violation of the public interest of the society. In specific relief, there is often a situation where the victim has no access to claim, and claims are difficult. The relief mechanism for large-scale environmental tort in our country, that is, the relief mechanism with obvious "administrative intervention" color under the leadership of administrative power, desalinates the due civil relief effect in the field of private law, resulting in the blurring of the division of civil liability. The real tortfeasor takes over the relief to escape the civil liability, and the victim's remedy is not comprehensive and timely. Large-scale tort is a kind of tort manifestation which occurs in a special type of tort. It is precisely because of its existence particularity and the seriousness of its consequences that the concrete relief mechanism of this kind of tort is difficult to run in the event. The mode of large-scale environmental tort civil relief in America, Germany and Japan is basically based on the traditional civil relief, national relief and social relief. Through summing up the relief experience of various countries, we can see that the relief mechanism adopted by each country in practice has its own emphasis. Therefore, the civil remedy of massive environmental tort in our country should accord with the reality of civil remedy at present stage in our country. From the perspective of the traditional civil relief mechanism of large-scale environmental tort and the content perfection of the national compensation liability mechanism, the article combines the existing relief fund and the social relief system of environmental liability insurance system with the enrichment of the content of the social relief system. The three relief mechanisms are integrated to form the civil relief mechanism of large-scale environmental tort in China. Firstly, by perfecting the content of traditional civil relief, we try to provide the most comprehensive and timely relief to the victim. Secondly, it is clear that the constitution of state responsibility in large-scale tort, the supplement and strict applicable conditions of the national relief responsibility in the relief mechanism, and the application of traditional civil remedies constitute a distinct hierarchy. Finally, this paper clarifies the applicable conditions and situations of the two kinds of socialized relief methods, which are the relief fund and the environmental liability insurance system, which exist in our country at the present stage, in order to increase the practical maneuverability.


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