发布时间:2018-11-01 13:24
[Abstract]:One year has passed since the implementation of the relevant regulations of the personal protection order, and the research on the implementation of the basic organization is still lacking. More research has focused on anti-violence activities organized by women's federations than at the grass-roots level. On the whole, the research on habeas corpus focuses on the perfection of the law and the difficulties of enforcement. Specifically, in the legislative procedure, the application and execution procedures are gradually improved, and the public security organs are the most vocal. There is still controversy in the yardstick of judicial intervention, and the remedies and informal support for domestic violence are still scarce. Personal security orders are of great significance in resolving domestic violence cases. However, due to the lack of corresponding legal guidance in the process of applying for and assisting in the enforcement of protection orders, there are still obstacles in the implementation of such orders by grass-roots organizations and even other enforcement agencies. The purpose of this paper is to put forward some suggestions on the procedure and specific scheme of applying for and executing personal security orders for grass-roots organizations through the analysis of relevant systems and the summary of practical experience, combined with the survey data. Other departments work together to promote the implementation of the protection order, to provide a clear theoretical basis for the implementation of the personal security order. This paper discusses the implementation of personal security orders in grassroots organizations through three parts. The first part focuses on the analysis of the current development of the personal security protection order, in theory and in practice what kind of development trend, to analyze the survey data; The second part analyzes the influencing factors in the implementation of grass-roots organizations and the obstacles in the implementation. The third part discusses the solutions to the outstanding problems in the implementation from the point of view of easy implementation. This paper points out that the main problems in the implementation of the protection order are that the main function of the executive body is unclear, the external support is lacking, the execution method and measures need to be clarified, and the follow-up supervision of the implementation is difficult to guarantee. The main solution to this problem is to increase the types of writ related to the protection order, mainly focusing on the supervision order, in order to solve the problem of unclear functions of the relevant organizations and groups. It clarifies the supervision position of grass-roots organizations in the enforcement of protection orders and sets up the role of "supervisor". Categorize the different circumstances of the victim when applying for a protection order and clarify the procedure and content of the assessment before and after the execution of the protection order. Further explicit refusal to enforce protection orders and disciplinary measures for violation of protection orders, and proposed remedies for victims.
[Abstract]:One year has passed since the implementation of the relevant regulations of the personal protection order, and the research on the implementation of the basic organization is still lacking. More research has focused on anti-violence activities organized by women's federations than at the grass-roots level. On the whole, the research on habeas corpus focuses on the perfection of the law and the difficulties of enforcement. Specifically, in the legislative procedure, the application and execution procedures are gradually improved, and the public security organs are the most vocal. There is still controversy in the yardstick of judicial intervention, and the remedies and informal support for domestic violence are still scarce. Personal security orders are of great significance in resolving domestic violence cases. However, due to the lack of corresponding legal guidance in the process of applying for and assisting in the enforcement of protection orders, there are still obstacles in the implementation of such orders by grass-roots organizations and even other enforcement agencies. The purpose of this paper is to put forward some suggestions on the procedure and specific scheme of applying for and executing personal security orders for grass-roots organizations through the analysis of relevant systems and the summary of practical experience, combined with the survey data. Other departments work together to promote the implementation of the protection order, to provide a clear theoretical basis for the implementation of the personal security order. This paper discusses the implementation of personal security orders in grassroots organizations through three parts. The first part focuses on the analysis of the current development of the personal security protection order, in theory and in practice what kind of development trend, to analyze the survey data; The second part analyzes the influencing factors in the implementation of grass-roots organizations and the obstacles in the implementation. The third part discusses the solutions to the outstanding problems in the implementation from the point of view of easy implementation. This paper points out that the main problems in the implementation of the protection order are that the main function of the executive body is unclear, the external support is lacking, the execution method and measures need to be clarified, and the follow-up supervision of the implementation is difficult to guarantee. The main solution to this problem is to increase the types of writ related to the protection order, mainly focusing on the supervision order, in order to solve the problem of unclear functions of the relevant organizations and groups. It clarifies the supervision position of grass-roots organizations in the enforcement of protection orders and sets up the role of "supervisor". Categorize the different circumstances of the victim when applying for a protection order and clarify the procedure and content of the assessment before and after the execution of the protection order. Further explicit refusal to enforce protection orders and disciplinary measures for violation of protection orders, and proposed remedies for victims.
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