[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of our country's productivity and the acceleration of the development of market economy, the people's material life is rich and colorful, and the demand of spiritual and cultural life is increasing day by day. Art market has become an important part of our market system after the development of economy and diversification of market. The art market consists of four basic elements: art producers (artists), works of art, market brokers and art consumers. Among them, art consumers are the basis and service core of the entire art market. Also is the final goal of the whole art market operation. With the continuous development of art market in China, art consumers are also growing. At the same time, the problem of infringing upon the rights and interests of art consumers in the art trade of our country is more and more serious, which highlights the serious absence of the protection of the rights and interests of the art consumers in the existing art market legislation and related laws in our country. This article takes the art consumer protection question as the research object, carries on the analysis to our country art market and the art consumer protection present situation, and discovers the existence question, through drawing lessons from the foreign mature art market system construction experience, To perfect our country art consumer right protection puts forward the feasible solution countermeasure. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the article is divided into four parts: the first part is an overview of the rights of art consumers. This part is the basic part of the full text, defines the basic concepts of art, art consumption and art consumers, analyzes the differences between art consumption and ordinary commodity consumption, and points out the particularity of art consumers' rights. The second part, our country art consumer right protection present situation and the question. This part discusses the reasons why the art consumers' rights are vulnerable to infringement and the present situation of the protection of the art consumers' rights in our country. On the basis of this, the problems existing in the protection of the art consumers' rights are emphatically analyzed. The third part, the foreign art consumer rights protection experience and reference. This part analyzes the relevant systems of the protection of the rights of art consumers in the United States, France and Germany, and points out that in the process of legal construction of the protection of the rights of art consumers in China, We can draw lessons from the relevant systems in the art market abroad and the legislation and market management experience of the protection of the right of art consumers. The fourth part, our country art consumer right protection countermeasure. On the basis of the previous discussion, this part puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures for the protection of the rights of art consumers in our country in view of the problems existing in the protection of the rights of art consumers.
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