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发布时间:2018-11-26 17:52
[Abstract]:Financing leasing industry is called the core industry in foreign countries. It is the product of the development of market economy to a certain stage and plays an important role in the whole national economy. In developed countries, financial leasing is regarded as one of the indicators to measure the maturity of market economy. The financing leasing industry has been developing in China for several decades, but the prosperous period is in recent years. Up to 2014, there are 620 companies registered in China, engaged in various financial leasing business. At the same time, people who are concerned about financial leasing services are becoming more widespread. However, as far as financial lease is concerned, because of the separation between real right and creditor's right, the lessor's ownership of the lease item can not be protected properly. According to the different nature of movable property, the current registration system of our country divides the registration of movable property into the registration of transportation administrative department, the administrative department of industry and commerce, the registration of notary department and the registration of credit information center of the people's Bank of China. This makes the registration management of financial lease scattered, which is not convenient for the management of lease item, is not conducive to the registration of financial lease and the information query of the parties, and can not effectively maintain the transaction security. In practice, the most common registration of financial leasing is the credit information center of the people's Bank of China, but the system has not been supported by law, and there are deficiencies in the effectiveness of confrontation against bona fide third parties. There are also many defects in the protection of the lessor's ownership of the financial lease. Taking this as the object of study, this paper attempts to discuss the feasibility of establishing a unified financial lease registration system with practical cases as the breakthrough point, and puts forward some suggestions for perfecting the financial lease system at the present stage.


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