发布时间:2018-12-12 04:15
【摘要】:《中华人民共和国物权法》于2007年由第十届全国人民代表大会第五次会议通过。《物权法》的颁布与实行必将对我国市场经济发展、法治建设等产生深远的影响。《物权法》认可和巩固了物权登记制度、确立了不动产物权登记生效的公示原则、确立了统一登记机关的基本制度。但《物权法》对不动产登记制度的规定只是建立了一个大体的框架,一些具体操作标准仍需要相关法律的进一步完善。 本文在对不动产登记制度、登记机关进行了较为全面分析的基础上,对不动产登记机关的选择、我国不动产登记模式的定位、不动产登记制度的完善等进行了探讨。具体而言,本文主要分为以下几个部分: 导论部分介绍了本文的研究背景和现状,分析了对不动产登记机关准确定性和设置的重要意义,介绍了我国学者对此问题的部分研究成果,并交代了本文的主要研究方法。 第一部分主要阐述了不动产登记制度的基本概念、分析了不动产登记制度的历史沿革、介绍了不动产登记的主要分类,最后在对国外不动产登记模式进行了详尽分析的基础上提出了建立符合我国国情的不动产登记模式的几点意见。 第二部分主要介绍了国外典型的不动产登记机构的设置与立法例,分析了我国不动产登记机构的现状及其产生的历史成因,在此基础上分析了我国分散的登记机关所造成的弊端。最后,对不动产登记机关的设定提出自己的想法。 第三部分对我国不动产登记的程序进行了简要分析,对其中审查程序中的审查模式进行了详尽的分析,对学界较有争议的我国不动产登记审查模式提出自己的观点,认为我国的不动产登记模式为形式审查模式。 第四部分在对以上内容分析的基础上,对我国的不动产登记制度的完善提出了几点建议:第一,应尽快出台一部符合我国国情的《不动产登记法》,明确不动产登记中的具体应用问题;第二,统一我国的不动产登记机构,笔者认为可以在现有的分散的登记机构中抽离出部分人员重新整合于一机构,以实现我国不动产登记机关的统一;第三,完善我国的不动产登记赔偿制度,建立赔偿基金,引入保险机制;第四,应建立一套电子不动产登记薄。第五,完善我国的不动产登记信息的公开制度。
[Abstract]:The Law on Real Rights of the people's Republic of China was adopted by the Fifth session of the Tenth National people's Congress in 2007.The promulgation and implementation of the Law will certainly promote the development of the market economy in China. The "property Law" has confirmed and consolidated the real right registration system, established the public principle of real property registration and established the basic system of unified registration organ. But the regulation of real estate registration system only establishes a general framework, and some specific operating standards still need to be further improved by relevant laws. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the real estate registration system and the registration authority, this paper discusses the choice of the real estate registration authority, the orientation of the real estate registration model in China, and the perfection of the real estate registration system. Specifically, this paper is divided into the following parts: the introduction part introduces the research background and present situation of this paper, and analyzes the significance of accurate qualitative analysis and setting up of the real estate registration authority. This paper introduces some research results of Chinese scholars on this issue, and describes the main research methods of this paper. The first part mainly expounds the basic concept of the real estate registration system, analyzes the historical evolution of the real estate registration system, and introduces the main classification of the real estate registration system. Finally, based on the detailed analysis of the foreign real estate registration model, several suggestions are put forward to establish the real estate registration model in accordance with the national conditions of our country. The second part mainly introduces the establishment and legislation examples of the typical real estate registration institutions in foreign countries, and analyzes the present situation and historical causes of the real estate registration institutions in China. On this basis, it analyzes the malpractice caused by the decentralized registration authorities in our country. Finally, the real estate registration authority to set up their own ideas. The third part makes a brief analysis on the procedure of real estate registration in our country, and makes a detailed analysis of the examination mode in the examination procedure, and puts forward its own views on the controversial examination mode of real estate registration in the academic circles. The author thinks that the real estate registration mode in China is the formal examination mode. The fourth part, on the basis of analyzing the above contents, puts forward some suggestions on the perfection of the real estate registration system of our country: first, we should introduce a "Real Estate Registration Law" which conforms to the national conditions of our country as soon as possible. Clarify the specific application of real estate registration; Secondly, unifying the real estate registration organization of our country, the author thinks that we can draw some personnel out of the existing decentralized registration institution to reintegrate into one institution, in order to realize the unification of the real estate registration authority in our country; Third, perfect our country's real estate registration compensation system, establish compensation fund, introduce insurance mechanism; fourth, we should establish a set of electronic real estate registration book. Fifth, perfect our country's real estate registration information publicity system.
[Abstract]:The Law on Real Rights of the people's Republic of China was adopted by the Fifth session of the Tenth National people's Congress in 2007.The promulgation and implementation of the Law will certainly promote the development of the market economy in China. The "property Law" has confirmed and consolidated the real right registration system, established the public principle of real property registration and established the basic system of unified registration organ. But the regulation of real estate registration system only establishes a general framework, and some specific operating standards still need to be further improved by relevant laws. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the real estate registration system and the registration authority, this paper discusses the choice of the real estate registration authority, the orientation of the real estate registration model in China, and the perfection of the real estate registration system. Specifically, this paper is divided into the following parts: the introduction part introduces the research background and present situation of this paper, and analyzes the significance of accurate qualitative analysis and setting up of the real estate registration authority. This paper introduces some research results of Chinese scholars on this issue, and describes the main research methods of this paper. The first part mainly expounds the basic concept of the real estate registration system, analyzes the historical evolution of the real estate registration system, and introduces the main classification of the real estate registration system. Finally, based on the detailed analysis of the foreign real estate registration model, several suggestions are put forward to establish the real estate registration model in accordance with the national conditions of our country. The second part mainly introduces the establishment and legislation examples of the typical real estate registration institutions in foreign countries, and analyzes the present situation and historical causes of the real estate registration institutions in China. On this basis, it analyzes the malpractice caused by the decentralized registration authorities in our country. Finally, the real estate registration authority to set up their own ideas. The third part makes a brief analysis on the procedure of real estate registration in our country, and makes a detailed analysis of the examination mode in the examination procedure, and puts forward its own views on the controversial examination mode of real estate registration in the academic circles. The author thinks that the real estate registration mode in China is the formal examination mode. The fourth part, on the basis of analyzing the above contents, puts forward some suggestions on the perfection of the real estate registration system of our country: first, we should introduce a "Real Estate Registration Law" which conforms to the national conditions of our country as soon as possible. Clarify the specific application of real estate registration; Secondly, unifying the real estate registration organization of our country, the author thinks that we can draw some personnel out of the existing decentralized registration institution to reintegrate into one institution, in order to realize the unification of the real estate registration authority in our country; Third, perfect our country's real estate registration compensation system, establish compensation fund, introduce insurance mechanism; fourth, we should establish a set of electronic real estate registration book. Fifth, perfect our country's real estate registration information publicity system.
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