[Abstract]:By combing 51 cases of compensation for mental damage of product liability in judicial practice since the implementation of the Tort liability Law (2010-2014), the author finds that the amount of compensation for mental damage in practical adjudication is compared with the amount of compensation for personal injury. Obviously low; In addition, judges generally attach the victim's claim for moral damages to the physical damage and pay compensation "symbolically", the amount of which is often very low in proportion to the total amount of compensation. There were even cases in which the victim suffered serious mental damage but was not physically damaged and the claim was not supported. This prominently reflects the deficiency of the general civil tort mental damage compensation standard applied to the product spiritual damage compensation in the practical judgment, which leads to the compensation of the victim's income and the damage suffered by the victim being not consideration, which is contrary to the justice of the case. So far, there is no clear solution to this problem in the legal and judicial circles. The main reason lies in the fact that the analysis of Article 22 of the Tort liability Law in the field of law focuses on the theoretical discussion, which leads to different understanding and deviation from the reality. To the judicial circle, the term "serious mental damage" in this article is difficult to be applied because of vague meaning and difficulty in operation. Considering these factors, the author starts with the case study and combines the key semantics of Article 22 of the Tort liability Law to try to solve the difficult problem of the standard of compensation for mental damage caused by product liability. In legal interpretation, the purpose of "personal rights" is to exclude property rights and interests, and "serious mental damage" should exclude minor mental damage and emphasize the protection of legal interests and mental health rights behind compensation for moral damages of product liability. As to how to limit the semantic space of the word "serious", the author draws lessons from the foreign medical standard, "double the amount of pecuniary damages" limit rule, on the basis of the method of table quota. According to the specific amount of pecuniary damages in the case judgment, the "serious mental damage" is divided into three levels: "generally serious" and "extremely serious". When the victim suffers "extremely serious" mental damage, The amount is twice the amount of pecuniary damages, "generally serious" mental damage is equivalent to the amount, while the "serious" degree of the cause is somewhere between the two. Once this standard of compensation is established, the judge can determine the amount of compensation for spiritual damage of product liability. In order to investigate its scientific nature, the paper also uses some previous failed judicial cases to test the compensation benchmark and proves that the effect is good.
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