[Abstract]:With the introduction of the Food Safety Law, the Tort liability Law and the new Consumer Rights and interests Protection Law, the punitive damages system was initially established in China. The system is generally regarded as the product of the common law system. The United States confirmed the system in the Genay v.Norris case in 1784, and the Ford pinto automobile case in the last century is a classic case of the system. From the pinto incident, it is not difficult to conclude that the payoff of the infringer is greater than the cost, so the infringer would rather infringement than take measures to prevent the infringement, and this act is obviously against morality and contrary to human values. Comparatively speaking, the punitive damages system in our country is too precise and easy to apply in practice, but it also appears to be simple and rough. How to absorb the favorable factors of American law to improve the system of our country is discussed in this paper.
【作者单位】: 华东政法大学;
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