[Abstract]:The legitimacy of the public order and good custom examination of film and television works originates from the social obligation of copyright in the market practice. However, the scattered legal system of examination and the excessively detailed rules of negative examination lead to the deviation of the examination from the industrial reality and the public demand, and lead to the dilemma of replacing the whole social judgment with the subjective tendency of a few people. We should speed up the industrial policy reform of the film and television industry, clarify the legal basis for the public order and good custom review, form, open and amend the substantive and procedural rules in the practice of the review, and construct the pluralistic review subject and independent reexamination organization. Strengthen the communication and publicity to the public, thus promoting the institutionalization of public order and good customs review standards.
【作者单位】: 对外经济贸易大学法学院;
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