[Abstract]:With the economic development entering the era of consumer-oriented, the processing of other people using the registered trademark of the goods, and then the behavior of sales gradually increased, so the resulting disputes are also paid attention to. When the processing behavior does not substantially change the original goods, the sales of processed goods shall be subject to the trademark exhaustion principle. When processing behavior leads to substantial change of goods, the essence of the dispute is how to distribute the new profits of processed goods between the trademark owner and the processing seller. Based on the needs of market development, in order to ensure that consumers have more and better choice opportunities, the latter kind of post-processing sales behavior cannot be completely prohibited, because substantial changes in the processing behavior of commodities can be divided into two categories. The regulation of their trademark law needs to maintain the balance between the freedom of operation, the freedom of competition and the protection of trademark rights.
【作者单位】: 贵州大学法学院;
【基金】:2015年贵州省哲学社会科学规划一般课题《知识获取权语境下知识产权法律制度变革研究》(15GZYB03) 2015年贵州大学文科重大科研项目《知识获取权语境下知识产权法律制度变革研究》(GDZT201510)
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