[Abstract]:The law of real right and the relaxation of law of real right are two aspects of one thing, which unify the basic principle of property law, in order to guarantee the order and freedom in the field of real right of civil society. The property Law of our country only stipulates the principle of the law of real right, but not the relaxation of the law of real right, which makes the principle of the law of real right too firm and absolute, so that the new real right appearing in social life and judicial practice can not be confirmed. It has restricted the autonomy of private law in the field of real right, and caused certain obstacles to the development of social economy. Article 119 of the General principles of Civil Law stipulates the principle of the law of real right, nor does it provide for the relaxation of the law of real right, which is still incomplete. It is difficult to realize the unification of order and freedom in the field of real right of civil law. Therefore, in formulating the property rights of the special provisions of the civil law, we should make a good stipulation of the relaxation of the property law, make the civil code conform to the deepening reform of the economic system, realize the needs of the economic transformation, make the newly emerging real rights be confirmed, and realize the promotion of economic development. The legislative purpose of prospering the market.
【作者单位】: 天津大学法学院;中国民法学研究会;
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