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发布时间:2019-03-30 13:11
[Abstract]:Under the premise that the procedural realization of substantive creditor's right should be limited by time, only the unenforceable creditor's right and enforceable creditor's right are subject to similar restrictions, the time limit for the realization of the right is complete. The limitation object of the statute of limitations in the civil substantive law of our country is the unenforceable creditor's right, and the limitation of the execution of the limitation in our civil procedure law is the enforceable creditor's right. The system status of the limitation of execution is that together with the limitation of action, it constitutes the time limit of the realization of the creditor's right. Compared with the procedural limitation of action and the limitation of execution, German law directly prescribes the limitation of elimination of unenforceable claims and enforceable claims directly from the point of view of substance. There is no core difference between the two, but there is only a difference in the perspective of observation. When the legal person of our country completely accepts the practice that the time limit of the realization of the creditor's right is defined as the substantive defense right in German civil law, the execution prescription will face the opportunity of transforming the regulation path from procedure to entity together with the limitation of action.
【作者单位】: 卢森堡马普程序法研究所;


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