[Abstract]:With the publication of the General provisions of the Civil Code, the academic research on its compilation will come to an end for the time being. The compilation of civil law rules was put on the agenda because of the pressure of "timetable". On the basis of the existing legislation, there is a general way of thinking about the codification of the provisions of the civil law, that is, "it must be reformed, deleted, and increased." ~ (1) only the part of the property right of free-fix movable property security is the only one in which the law has to be revised, deleted, and added. We need to look at the world, look at the future, and make a decision on whether it is a "big operation" or "a small operation." From the present legislative situation of the real right of free movables in our country, and from the development of the legislation of the real right of the security of movable property in the world, it should be based on the reality of China and should be chosen as the choice of "major operation".
【作者单位】: 中国海洋大学法学院;
【基金】:作者主持的国家社科基金项目“动产担保物权一元化立法研究”(13BFX093) 教育部社科基金项目“统一动产担保法立法研究”(12YJA820015)的阶段性研究成果
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