[Abstract]:With the deepening of rural reform and the acceleration of urbanization, the number of cases involving the sale of rural houses is gradually increasing. Because the legal norms related to agriculture are too abstract and principles, there are many difficult legal problems in the disputes of rural housing purchase and purchase contracts. In view of the difficult legal problems in the disputes over the sale of rural housing in recent years, this paper expounds that if it violates "one family, one house" and is not between the same collective economic organizations, without the consent of the co-owners and the demolition and resettlement of rural houses, This paper focuses on the division and basis of the civil liability between the parties after the annulment of the contract for the sale of houses in rural areas after the validity of the contract for the sale of houses such as small property rights. Combined with the theory of civil law, this paper puts forward some constructive suggestions on the treatment of the invalid contract of purchase and purchase of rural houses. From the point of view of the reality of civil trial, this paper holds that the people's court should carefully accept the disputes over the contract of sale and purchase of rural houses sold to an unspecified majority, as well as the contracts for the sale of rural houses, which are seriously illegal.
【作者单位】: 安徽省高级人民法院民四庭;安徽省高级人民法院;
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