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发布时间:2019-06-17 08:00
[Abstract]:It is discussed that the starting point of the behavior of safeguarding rights is rights, the scope of which is quite wide, there are rights based on civil tort, there are rights based on constitutional rights, and so on. First of all, the civil rights protection behavior discussed in this paper refers to other civil rights protection acts except legitimate defense, emergency risk aversion self-defense and self-help behavior. The over-limit behavior of civil rights protection mentioned in this paper refers to the behavior in which the actor has or thinks that he can claim civil rights to the relative person based on the breach of contract or infringement by the relative person, and the behavior taken obviously exceeds the necessary limit and causes great damage. The paper is divided into four parts. In the preface, the scope of civil rights protection over-limited behavior discussed in this paper is clarified. On this basis, the first chapter explains the concept of civil over-limited behavior, defines the term "over-limited", and classifies the over-limited behavior. The second part expounds the types of legal liability of excessive protection of rights, and compares the differences between civil liability and criminal liability. In the third part, on the basis of analyzing the theoretical basis and legal situation of the conflict of responsibility for protecting excessive traffic for the people, this paper focuses on the present situation and difficulties of the identification of the legal liability of the behavior of safeguarding the excessive limit of rights. First, it enumerates the types of legal liability of the behavior of excessive protection of rights in judicial practice, and then points out the difficulties in the identification of the division of the legal liability of this kind of behavior in judicial practice. Finally, some solutions to the conflict of legal liability of excessive protection of rights are put forward.


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