[Abstract]:In recent years, the frequent occurrence of the cemeteries and the social events represented by the movement of the Zhoukou Pingyuan have also caused a wide range of disputes. In view of the law of the cemeteries in our country, there are problems such as the lack of civil protection, the low level of the legal order, and the necessity of the protection of the civil law in the rural cemetery. The article is divided into four parts. The first part is to reveal the necessity of the civil law protection of the rural graveyard by dividing the referees and the brief introduction to the movement of the tomb. The second part analyses the ownership of the ownership of the grave and the ownership of the cemeteries, and the third part of the study of the use right of the cemeteries. Firstly, the legal basis of the real right of the rural cemetery is analyzed on the basis of the concept and the characteristics, and then the author makes an analysis of the view about the nature of the use right of the cemeteries, and concludes that the use right of the rural cemetery belongs to a kind of usufructuary right, and then the content of the use right of the cemeteries is discussed. The fourth part responds to the real problem of the movement of the peaceful grave of the cemeteries mentioned in the opening of the article, and further lists the contents of the protection of the real right of the cemeteries.
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