claims 的翻译结果
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Analysis Example of Construction Claims with《Conditions of Contract(GF-2000-0208)》
This article mainly discusses the case that all claims are constant of 2.As for the T_2=inf{n≥1∶U(n)<0} definition of ruin time,we get ruin probability φ(u,k),which contained the number of claim.
Application of LMBP predictive model in international construction claims
del), Yuen, Guo and Wu (2002) discussed a correlated aggregate claims model with Poisson and Erlang risk processes.
Management of Working-day Claims for Construction Projects in FIDIC Construction Contracts
While the determination of patent infringement need to be compared with the claims. But there are many situations under which the scheme of the accused products is not the same to the claims. And it is difficult to judge that to what degree the accused product is infringement or to what degree the accused product is not.
This lesson chiefly describes the basic cases of patent application of fertilizer and the main problems existed in specifications and claims in current application documents.
Abstract: This lesson chiefly describes principal function and writing requirement of a description, and its abstract and claims.
The patents have been applied and registered in China by foreign company or some individual was contrasted and some suggestions on domestic patent claims were given.
Establishing the System of Non-property Preservation for Maritime Claims
Impact of the Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims on Maritime Liens──and On Application of Art.30 of CMC
In the paper,a Poisson risk model for claims with mixed exponential distribution is studied,and the exact expressions of bankruptcy probability Ψ(0) as the initial capital is 0 and Ψ(u) as the initial capital is u are given.
Thus the paper claims that a proper understanding is crucial of the relationship in between,the effects of the unequal allocation,and establishment of the suitable waging system to adapt to the social harmony.
[Methods]241 health claims treated in Chaoyang Institute for Health Inspection and supervision during 2003-2005 were analyzed.
vulnificus substantiated the claims of the ethnic uses.
Thus one can directly apply default intensities and fractional losses empirically estimated to the evaluation of defaultable bonds or contingent claims.
Generalized pareto distribution fit to medical insurance claims data
This paper attains the exact threshold by testing for GPD, and shows that GPD model allows the actuary to easily estimate high quantiles and the probable maximum loss from the medical insurance claims data.
In this paper a class of risk processes in which claims occur as a renewal process is studied.
It is pointed out in this paper that the following apparent discrepancies exist in Coulomb's Theory: (1) In any problem in mechanics, a force to be definite must have all the three factors involved under consideration. In Coulomb's Theory, however, the point of application of the soil reaction on the plane of sliding is somehow neglected, thus enabling the arbitrary designation of the obliquity of the earth pressure on the wall to be equal to the friction angle between the wall surface and soil. As a matter...
It is pointed out in this paper that the following apparent discrepancies exist in Coulomb's Theory: (1) In any problem in mechanics, a force to be definite must have all the three factors involved under consideration. In Coulomb's Theory, however, the point of application of the soil reaction on the plane of sliding is somehow neglected, thus enabling the arbitrary designation of the obliquity of the earth pressure on the wall to be equal to the friction angle between the wall surface and soil. As a matter of principle, the point of application should never be slighted while the obliquity of the earth pressure could only have a value that is compatible with the conditions for equilibrium. (2) If the point of application of the soil reaction is taken into account in the problem, the sliding wedge would only tend to slide either on the plane of sliding or on the surface of wall but not on both at the same time, thus frustrating the very conceptidn of sliding wedge upon which Coulomb's Theory is founded. (3) The above discrepancies arise from the fact that the shape of the surface of sliding should be curvilinear in order to make the wedge tend to slide as desired, while Coulomb, however, adopted a plane surface instead. (4) Coulomb, in finding the plane of sliding, made use of the maximum earth pressure on the wall (for active pressure), which refers to the different magnitudes of pressure corresponding to different assumed inclinations of the plane of sliding. But from the relation between the yield of wall and amount of pressure, this maximum value is really the minimum pressure on the wall, which it is the purpose of the theory to find. In engineering books, however, this terminology of maximum pressure has caused considerable confusion, with the result that what is really the minimum pressure is carelessly taken as the maximum design load for the wall. How can a minimum load be used in a design?This paper also attempts to clarify some contended points in Rankine's Theory: (1) It is claimed by Prof. Terzaghi that Rankine's Theory is only a fallacy because of the yield of wall and that of the soil mass on its bed. This charge is unjust as it can be compared with Coulomb's Theory in the same respect. (2) Some books declare that Rankine's Theory is good only for walls with vertical back, but it is proved in this paper that this is not so. (3) It is also generally believed that Rankine's Theory is applicable only to wall surfaces with no friction. This is likewise taken by this paper as unfounded and illustration is given whereby, in this regard, Rankine's Theory is even better than Coulomb's, because it contains no contradiction, as does Coulomb's.
Pacinian corpuscles from cat mesentery were fixed in Carnoy's fixative, paraffinsectioned and stained in Feulgen reagent and methyl green-pyronin. Controlled sectionswere hydrolyzed in 20% perchloric acid at 70℃ and 10% perchloric acid at 1-4℃. Itwas found that the so-called nuclei in the lamellae were Feulgen positive and stainedbluish purple after the methyl green-pyronin method. They disappeared after perchloric acidhydrolysis in 70℃ and showed no change after cold treatment. Their histochemicalreactions,...
Pacinian corpuscles from cat mesentery were fixed in Carnoy's fixative, paraffinsectioned and stained in Feulgen reagent and methyl green-pyronin. Controlled sectionswere hydrolyzed in 20% perchloric acid at 70℃ and 10% perchloric acid at 1-4℃. Itwas found that the so-called nuclei in the lamellae were Feulgen positive and stainedbluish purple after the methyl green-pyronin method. They disappeared after perchloric acidhydrolysis in 70℃ and showed no change after cold treatment. Their histochemicalreactions, stainability and detailed structures were similar to the nuclei of the connectivecells next to the corpuscle. It was therefore concluded the nuclear like bodies in the Paciniancorpuscles studied were true nuclei as mentioned in histological textbooks and not merely thecondensation of fibrils as W. Schwarz recently claimed after electron microscopic observation.These nuclei were located in between the fibrils of the lamellae.
1.用母猫肠系膜内的环层小体,Carnoy固定液固定,石蜡包埋,切成10微米。 2.用Feulgen染色,板层内的细胞核有阳性反应,用甲绿——哌啷咛染色,核呈蓝紫色,且均与附近的成纤维细胞核有相同的构造。 3.用过氯酸在70℃下水解3小时後再用上法染色,就不再见有这些核的出现,而用过氯酸在冰箱中(1.5—2℃)过夜,核的颜色和构造都与对照片同。 4.用蒸馏水代替过氯酸在70℃或1.5—2℃同样处理後染色也和对照片同。 5.由以上的结果,我们认为环层小体的板层内有核的存在。根据我们的观察核在环层本身的两层膜内。
There is in circulation a claim that the herb known as Chin-Chien.Chao is good for treatment of vesical calculus.There are however two en- tirely different plants known under this name. One of them is purehable in Shanghai and is Glechoma hederacea.L.;the other is procurable in Canton & is Desmodium Stryracifolium (Osbe)Merr. (Desmodium retroflexum D.C.).Both are being used & are claimed with the same benefit,However,the uses of one may not aware of the other variety. It is highly inprobable that...
There is in circulation a claim that the herb known as Chin-Chien.Chao is good for treatment of vesical calculus.There are however two en- tirely different plants known under this name. One of them is purehable in Shanghai and is Glechoma hederacea.L.;the other is procurable in Canton & is Desmodium Stryracifolium (Osbe)Merr. (Desmodium retroflexum D.C.).Both are being used & are claimed with the same benefit,However,the uses of one may not aware of the other variety. It is highly inprobable that the two plants should give the same curative benefit and that benefit is derived from some characteristically active princi- ple.Some accredit the apparent benefit of Chin- Chien-Chao to large water in-take which usually associates with the administration of the drug. This deserves serious consideration in tracing the real value of the herb.In the article there has been assembled complete informations on Glechoma hederacea L.Similar informations have been sought for Desmodium stryracifolium (osb.) Merr (Desmodium retroflexum D.C.)but there are not available;This plant is apparently not as much studied as the other one,Glechoma hederacea L..
1.目前流行着草药金钱草可治膀胱结石的一种说法。2.然据调查发现有同名异物的雨种金钱草都说可能治疗膀胱结石,一种可在上海草药铺中购到,据观察其学名为 Glechoma hederacea L.也即是一般所称之连钱草,江苏省中医院正在用此种金钱草治膀胱结石。另一种可在广州购到,其学名为 Desmodium Stryracifolium(Osb.)Merr.(Desmodiam retroflexum D.C.)也有诊所及患者正在用这种金钱草治膀胱结石。3.对于在上海所购的金钱草(Glechoma hederacea L.)作了较全面的文献查阅及综述。4.对于在广州所购的金钱草,除华南植物志一书外,不能查得其他关涉的记载。5.雨种甚至不同科的植物,若果能同样治疗膀胱结石,不大可能由于某种特效成分。6.因此有人疑心金钱草的可能实际效应,乃由于大量水分的摄取,其说不是无因的,但证实尚有待。
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