本文选题:海上保险 切入点:代位求偿权 出处:《中国政法大学》2006年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:海上保险代位求偿权是海上保险领域中的一项重要制度,我国《海商法》、《保险法》、《海事诉讼特别程序法》均有规定。但由于我国在海事领域方面的理论和经验尚不丰富,所以实体法律中的有些条款仍然不够明确甚至相互矛盾,导致立法与法律效果之间产生“冲突”,在司法审判实践中这些法律上存在的问题相继不断地暴露出来。基于此,笔者将在现行已生效的法律规定的基础上,并适当运用比较法的研究方法,对保险代位求偿权制度中的几个较易让人混淆的问题进行法理上的研究和探讨,并提出了自己的一些看法。 本文主要分四部分。第一部分概要介绍了海上保险代位求偿权的几个基本理论问题,比如有关基本概念、法律性质、理论基础、等等,并试图与物上代位权、债权人代位权以及分摊权等相似制度进行全面的比较,以期让读者对保险代位权的本质有更深入的了解。 第二、三、四部分具体针对我国有关海上保险代位求偿实体法律规定的不完善之处进行深入探讨,并提出了自己的一些建议。在第二部分中,笔者首先对海上保险代位求偿权的行使名义问题进行了法理上的探讨,并运用比较研究的方法,对英国做法的缘由进行了探索,再通过与大陆法系做法的比较,对我国为什么不应盲目效仿英国做法进行了法理分析;其次,针对我国立法上对保险代位求偿权中“第三人”定义的谬误及其与海上保险实践的矛盾,笔者对海上保险代位求偿权的行使对象——第三人的范围进行了扩张解释。最后,由于我国法律对海上保险代位求偿权行使范围规定的差异,笔者通过对相关理论的分析,表明了自己的观点和看法,并对与此相关的保险实践中经常发生的“自愿给付”,“融通赔付”问题提出了立法建议,以期能解决长期以来形成的法律困境。 在第三部分中,笔者论述了保险代位求偿权的法律保护这一问题。首先从被保险人对保险人所负义务的内涵开始分析,得出该义务——“尽力协助”仅止于被动协助(一般情况下),而并未苛求被保险人“主动保护”这一结论,以督促保险人,特别是海上保险人提高警觉,注意时效,主动保护自己的保险代位求偿权。从另一方面,笔者也对被保险人“尽力协助”这一义务的具体内容进行了明确,使之更具有操作性。接着,笔者按保险业务流程的四个不同阶段,依次分析了被保险人与第三人订立免责条款的行为对保险代位求偿权的影响。最后,笔者浅谈了我国法律中关于被保险人过错行为损害保险代位求偿权的法律后果,这一
[Abstract]:The subrogation right of marine insurance is an important system in the field of marine insurance, which is stipulated in Maritime Law, Insurance Law and Special procedure Law of Maritime Litigation in China. Therefore, some provisions in substantive law are still not clear enough or even contradictory, resulting in a "conflict" between legislation and legal effect. These legal problems in judicial practice have been exposed one after another. Based on this, On the basis of the existing effective laws and regulations, and the proper use of comparative law, the author will make a legal study and probe into several more confusing problems in the system of insurance subrogation. And put forward some of their own views. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part briefly introduces several basic theoretical problems of marine insurance subrogation, such as related basic concepts, legal nature, theoretical basis, and so on, and attempts to subrogation in rem. In order to make readers understand the nature of insurance subrogation, the creditor's subrogation rights and apportion rights are compared comprehensively. The second, third and fourth parts discuss the imperfections of the legal provisions on subrogation of marine insurance in China, and put forward some suggestions. In the second part, Firstly, the author discusses the legal principle of the exercise of subrogation right of marine insurance, and explores the cause of British practice by means of comparative study, and then compares it with the practice of civil law system. This paper makes a legal analysis of why China should not blindly follow the British practice. Secondly, it aims at the fallacy of the definition of "third party" in insurance subrogation in our legislation and its contradiction with marine insurance practice. The author expands the scope of the third party to exercise the subrogation right of marine insurance. Finally, due to the difference in the scope of the exercise scope of the subrogation right of marine insurance in our country, the author analyzes the relevant theories. In this paper, the author points out his own views, and puts forward some legislative suggestions on the problems of "voluntary payment" and "financing compensation", which often occur in the insurance practice, in order to solve the legal dilemma which has been formed for a long time. In the third part, the author discusses the legal protection of insurance subrogation. It comes to the conclusion that the "best possible assistance" is limited to passive assistance (generally speaking, and does not require the insured to "take the initiative to protect") in order to urge the insurer, especially the maritime insurer, to be vigilant and to pay attention to the limitation, On the other hand, the author clarifies the specific content of the insurant's obligation to "do his best to assist", making it more operable. According to the four different stages of the insurance business process, the author analyzes the influence of the behavior of the insured and the third party on the insurance subrogation. The author talks about the legal consequence of the subrogation right of the insurant in the law of our country.
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